Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Take re-election as deputy chairman – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): – This is my last period as deputy chairman. There is no doubt. Now we can start to build up new nestlederkandidater. There are lots of them, ” says Per Sandberg, who was hand-picked by Siv Jensen as the vice-president when she took over as party boss after Carl I. Hagen in 2006.

If Erna will

Sandberg had a deadline of Wednesday 1. February to respond to the committee in the conservative party to extend nestlederoppdraget from 11 to 13 years.

I weighed for and against. I pulled myself from the stortingsnominasjonen, but as I sit in the government now, and have the ambition that the government should be sitting. I want to be with moreover, if Erna will have me on. Then it is also important to have nestlederne in the government, ” says Per Sandberg.

Sylvi have to wait

yesterday, it became known that Ketil Solvik-Olsen also continues as deputy chairman. Party leader Siv Jensen is satisfied.

- Per and Ketil are two of Norway’s foremost politicians, they have enormous capacity for work and is on the whole a day to implement good conservative party-politics. I am very happy that they’ve said yes to re-election and to have both on the team on as deputy director, says Siv Jensen.

the Decision means that the potential nestlederkandidater that Sylvi Listhaug, Jon Georg Dale and Terje Søviknes have to wait until 2019.

After what Dagbladet understands, no one will want to challenge Sandberg and Solvik-Olsen on spring items. Both are strong in the party.

Predict excellent election

Per Sandberg points out that the campaign will set great demands to the conservative party, but he predicts an excellent election.

I have experience from both sides as the vice-president, both outside and within the government, and still believe that I have a lot to give for us to get us up on the tjueprosenten.

- 20 per cent?

- Yes, there is a huge potential out there waiting for us, in business, in the people. We have not cracked the code on how to redeem it. We will continue to do until the election.

No excuse

Sandberg believes that the progress party as a party can’t allow itself to be behind.

- We can’t blame the fact that we have been a bit casual because we’re in government. There is no excuse, there. Now we need to use social media in much larger degree in order to get what we have achieved in government and what the conservative party stands for.

Dementerte Reed

Before Per Sandberg was appointed minister in December 2015,, he appeared as a very outspoken deputy.

“I am a catalyst for movement. At the same time I’m a pain in the ass, which is knocking on the door of their, on behalf of the party”, stated Sandberg to Dagbladet before the conservative party’s first items that regjeringsparti, in the spring of 2014.

a Year after he went on the podium during the conservative party’s 1.may-selection of Jessheim and triggered laughter among the audience:

“In Dagbladet yesterday went to my great leader out and claimed that I am not a troublemaker. It I want to disavow once and for all; it will be an incredible amount of noise in the future.”

Seven months later, picked up Erna Solberg and Per Sandberg in the government.

Never disloyal

When I was a deputy outside the government, there was a struggle to get the media to understand that I all the time spoke on behalf of the progressive party and the resolutions we had made on the landsmøtene our. No one can point out that I was unfair against the government at any kind of point. Never, underscores, Per Sandberg.

- now, When we are going into an election campaign, it is important to keep in mind mulighetsrommet on the outside of the regjeringserklæring and cooperation agreement. It is a balancing act, but people out there have to talk about what Progress will come.

- We must be honest. Although we have achieved a lot in government, we are not in the target. We are not satisfied, there are lots of challenges to embark on, ” says progress party deputy chair.

Profit to the movement

- Is it problematic that both Ketil Solvik-Olsen and the autumn is the deputy director without having to be in Parliament?

- No, it may actually provide some amazing benefits. Then have both Ketil and I erfaringsbase we can use in the organization, the building up of the elected officers and elected officials, which makes us even better at the next election. We get a larger surplus to spend on movement.

- It is not paid to be chairman?

- No, I must have job.

- Can it be combined with your stated dream assignment?

- Yes, it is entirely possible. To be the deputy head is no kontorjobb. If the government goes by, something we of course do not, there is actually very little chance of it, 10 percent, maybe, so we need to add new strategies for Progress, ” says Per Sandberg.

All it takes re-election

Three of the members of the progress party sentralstyre is also on the options during the spring profile; Sylvi Listhaug, Robert Eriksson, and Helge André Njåstad. All have accepted to take re-election.

- I set myself at the disposal of the two years in the central executive committee, confirms immigration and integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug.

Combines with the PR job

the Former ministry of labour and sosialminister Robert Eriksson signed in the summer from the nomination committee in hjemfylket Nord-Trøndelag that he was not relevant as listetopp to the parliamentary election. Eriksson is now working as a manager in the samfunnsavdelingen to the PR company MSL. He wishes not to cut their ties to the party he has been a member of since his boyhood in the town of Verdal.

- I want to help further in the central executive committee where the main objective is to win the election in the autumn so that the Frp can continue in government, ” says Robert Eriksson.

Exciting travel

Helge André Njåstad, the progress party’s leader in the kommunalkomiteen in Parliament, is also ready for a new period in the central executive committee.

It has been an exciting journey in the central executive committee over the years I’ve been with, where we have gone from opposition to government. I also think it is important that stortingsgruppa is represented in the central executive committee, ” says Helge André Njåstad.

the nomination committee in the Progress party, must deliver its final recommendation within 21. april, two weeks before the congress at Gardermoen, 5.-7.may.

conservative party’s sentralstyre

the central executive committee of the conservative party now consists of the following members:

the Leader Siv Jensen, 1. the deputy Per Sandberg, 2. the deputy Ketil Solvik-Olsen, board Anders Anundsen, Robert Eriksson (of options), Sylvi Listhaug (of options), Tom Cato Karlsen, Helge André Njåstad (on choice) and Terje Søviknes, as well as the representative of the stortingsgruppa Harald Tom Nesvik and from The Bjørn-Kristian Sven dsrud.

Deputies are Åse Bruun-Gundersen, Alf Erik Andersen, Hanne Iversen and Atle Simonsen. All four are up for election.

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