Wednesday, January 18, 2017

KrF will have foreldelsesfrist in statsborgerskapssaker – the Newspaper.en

This will have foreldelsesfrist for cheating in statsborgerskapssaker. A is with, while the Labor is pending.

on Wednesday, it was clear that the Sector provides for the majority in the Parliament that the courts should try the case if any are in danger of losing citizenship. Thus it becomes the end that the Norwegian directorate of Immigration (UDI) and Norwegian Immigration appeals board can make such decisions alone.

But the party went longer when they discussed the matter at their group meeting and also wants that there shall be a foreldelsesfrist in such cases.

After long period of residence in the country, it is no longer risk to lose citizenship, even if it is revealed that you lied in the application.

- We have not landed on a specific number of years, but want a report to look at the foreldelsesfrist, says party leader Knut Arild Hareide.

Apply in criminal cases

the Question has received great attention in the last few days after the 30-year-old bioingeniøren Mahad Abib Mahamud again stood out with its history.

He is deprived of the citizenship, because the Norwegian authorities believe he, as a 14-year-old spoke false about his real country of origin when he applied for asylum and later received the Norwegian citizenship.

Innvandringspolitisk spokesman Geir Toskedal in the Sector understand that people react on individual cases.

- It may be unreasonable without foreldelsesfrist, which is common in the law otherwise, ” he says.

Hesitant Ap

the Proposal is welcomed by the SV and Miljøpartiet De Green

- To have a foreldelsesfrist also in asylum cases is not to “premiere cheating”, but a thought that rests on the fairness and amnesty for matters committed far back in time, believes that the MDG-spokesperson Rasmus Hansson.

Labour party is not, however, willing to enter into a discussion now.

- This is not something the Labour party has discussed, and I think the key now is to strengthen the rule of law through the trial, says innvandringspolitisk spokeswoman Helga Pedersen.

- Will weaken the legal protection

It is the Storting, with the exception of the two coalition parties, which now goes into that statsborgerskapssaker to be legal.

the Conservative Ingjerd Schou says she is both surprised and upset over opposisjonens suggestions. She believes that the trial can weakened the rule of law, contrary to the purpose.

- It is because you lose the rating you currently have in the UDI and UNE, with careful consideration and a great deal of expertise, and go right on the court, she says to NTB.

Schou has nothing to spare to put foreldelsesfrist. She shows that there was broad consensus in Parliament not to implement this when statsborgerskapsloven was adopted in 2005.

- It is based on three considerations: first, that you shall not be rewarded for lying. Second, that it may people as will sit in a grave and just wait until the deadline has expired and, thirdly, that it will be a signal to the outside world that in Norway you can lie, but it is good nonetheless, ” she says.

UDI-boss wary

Frode Blame, director of the Norwegian directorate of Immigration, believes foreldelsesfrist can have unfortunate consequences. For example, it may be that the police reveals that the people who are behind serious crimes, have cheated to stay and citizenship.

He proposes instead that period of residence may be emphasized more in an overall evaluation.

- if you first soften up the regulations, I would rather recommend that there should be more emphasis on the time that is passed as part of an overall assessment, especially when it comes to the ability to get a new residence permit based on the correct identity, he writes in a blog.


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