Monday, January 30, 2017

New proposal to resolve up ulvestriden – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

on Monday evening gathered partigruppene to the Right, the progress party, the Labour party and the christian democratic party has to find a solution on the inflamed ulvestriden, and after the NTB experience come the calls to run out in the night hours.

on Tuesday comes the case once again up in the Parliament. Then the climate and miljøminister Vidar Helgesen (H) up on the pulpit to explain why he says no to lisensjakt on the wolf in the ulvesonen.

READ ALSO: the 40 buses for the wolf

Several thousand ulvemotstandere gathered also on Monday – in front of the Parliament. Armed with sticks and cowbells came steadily “Vidar must go – Vidar must go” outside Parliament. According to police, they were around 2.500 in the ulvedemonstrasjonen, which is the second in just over three weeks.

Along the way had the protesters, however, be able to withstand fyord from ulveforkjempere and dyrevernere.

– Shame you! Pass on the sheep their ‘myself’, was the message.

Extending the fellingstiden

Before christmas, it was decided to cut the number of fellingstillatelser as the local rovviltnemndene had granted, from 47 to 15. No wolves were killed within the ulvesonen, specific Helgesen, who showed that the current legislation does not allow for the licence in the zone.

on Monday notified the Climate and miljødepartementet that they go into in order to extend the fellingstiden in ulvesonen with six weeks or up to 31. march, so the progress party and several other parties have proposed.

READ ALSO: the Wolf puts the guy in the city-country conflict

On the evening of the same day informs the progress party’s member of parliament, Morten Ørsal Johansen, that the party has put forward a new proposal to implement the licence to the wolf in ulvesonen.


Helgesen justify the expansion of the lisensjakten with the desire to take account of the information now coming in from the radio marked wolves.

It is appropriate to expand lisensfellingsperioden in ulvesonen this winter to take account of new knowledge that continuously comes from the radio marked the wolves. The information from the marking will provide a better basis for assessing the felling, he says.

READ ALSO:shouts of Joy and rage after the government’s ulvemelding

If, for example, would prove that the wolves are closer to buildings than previously thought, there may be an argument for the yet to open for lisensjakt on the wolf this winter.

Director Erik Lahnstein in Norges Skogeierforbund believe the statement is a clear signal from the government.

– the Government is obviously on the slips. But it is of little worth with the extended jakttider if you are not allowed to shoot the wolf anyway, he says to NTB.

– Unethical

Miljøpartiet De Green responds, however, strongly on the extension of the hunting season, which the party believes is unethical.

– This means that the opening to shoot the wolf after that paringstida has started, ” says MDG-spokesperson Rasmus Hansson of the NTB. He fears that pregnant females or males who provide food to their young, are being shot.

Naturvernforbundet believe organizations o


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