Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Politiutrykning after discovery of white powder in the Vestfold was harmless – VG

It is found an unknown white powder in a package in a shop in Vestfold. The powder is not dangerous.

the Police turned out with all nødetater when they were notified about the white powder that was found on the Sem.

– It is found in a retail store. More than that, I will not say, ” says operasjonsleder Merete, Or in the South-East police district to the NEWSPAPER Tuesday night.

By 22-time Tuesday gets the VG stated that the powder is harmless.

the Police says that nine people were evacuated from the store and safeguarded by the health care system. None of them have any injury or discomfort. Kjemikaliedykkere in protective clothing is also on site and ensures trying and searching among the shipments may have contained powder, sign Vestfold Intercommunal Fire department on Facebook.

Merchant Anders Knutsen driver Rema 1000-store the powder are found in the. He confirms that it is the Mail department in the store, and that the powder is found on top of a package in a transportcontainer. The container is in postområdet in the shop.

– Now we relate to the expertise says, and lets the take the precautions that are, ” says Knutsen.

the Police informs on Twitter at 19.30-the time that they are still working to analyze the powder.

An eyewitness tells us about a large array of police and fire departments to VG. A piece from the store it says that either employees or customers and warms himself under the blankets.

a Few kilometers away from Sem is Borgerskogen where a similar pulverfunn led to a comprehensive intervention last summer. Here contained package a harmless melprodukt.

This case is dismissed.


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