Saturday, January 21, 2017

Lan Marie Berg: – Pretty much personhets – Hegnar Online

Tuesday it was introduced kjøreforbud for diesel cars in the capital, and again was Berg a target for many of those who would express their dissatisfaction. Opposite NRK avdramatiserer she week something and says it topped up already on Monday.

– It is in many ways enough a week on the job. It has been a hectic year, but it peaked on Monday and then everything happened at noon, that I must admit.

in the Middle of the day on Monday held Rødts Bjørnar Moxnes a press conference where he threatened with a vote of confidence if søppelkontrakten with Veireno was not raised. At the same time, it became known that the director of the Renovasjonsetaten went off after pressure from the city council.

Berg said she has been rather tykkhudet in the course of his time in the city council, and that she is not taking the criticism personally.

It has been quite a lot of personhets since I was a city commissioner. In many ways I’ve got pretty hard skin when it comes to this. I take it not personal, because it is my role they’re talking about, and not me, ” she explains.

For me, it is most important that I have the opportunity to do a lot of grip I believe is right for the city and that I believe will make life better for many. (©NTB)


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