Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Tone Ilebekk (48) killed when she tried to rescue Hassan – Aftenposten

Late on Tuesday night admitted the 15-year-old that it was he that killed both Jacob Hassan (14) and the Tone Ilebekk (48) behind the ballbingen on the area to the Wilds of Memory school in Kristiansand on Monday. On Wednesday he was ” I in two weeks.

According to the sources, VG has talked with, was barnehageassistenten out and vented the dog then she should have responded to a scuffle between the two youths. When tobarnsmoren went away to investigate the situation, directed a 15-year-old the knife towards her and stabbed multiple times.

Out from the circumstances, it seems as though she has come through up in this, ” says the family’s lawyer Tone Westbye to the NTB.

She says to Dagbladet that it was Jacob Hassan (14) she went to for help.

My client has acknowledged to have caused the death of both of the two, and has explained that he was alone in this, ” said the boy’s defender, a lawyer, Svein Kjetil Stallemo, when he came out from the fengslingsmøtet in Kristiansand tingrett on Wednesday afternoon, reports NTB.

Varetektfengslet for two weeks

Police filed two weeks varetektfengsling with the letter and besøkskontroll under fengslingsmøtet in the afternoon. The meeting took place behind closed doors and without that it charged 15-year-old was present.

The defendant represented by the defender Svein Kjetil Stallemo. He desired the meeting not to comment on how the client set itself to the question of whether straffskyld.

the Motive behind the murder is not yet known.

15-year-old has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital since last night, but is now printed. The day today has consisted of contact with the police and certain investigations, ” says Stallemo to VG according to the present fengslingsmøte.

Now that he is written out from hospitals, so is the use of custody only option for the police. Because of his age, so he can’t sit in Kristiansand. He must sit somewhere where they can attend to his situation, both in relation to the age and health taken into consideration, continues Stallemo.

Church and football club

A person who knows the family says to NRK that the indictment came as a shock. 15-year-old described as an outgoing, pleasant albeit somewhat thin boy. The charged 15-year-old has according to NRK been active in a local christian church until recently.

NRK get informed that the person is not familiar with that it must have been some problems with the 15-year-old, or that he should have been a part of a charged environment.

The first thing I thought was that it may not vote that it is he who has done this. Something must have happened, ” says a person who knows the family.

Menighetsledelsen do not want to comment on the indictment of 15-year-old, besides the fact that this is deeply tragic for both the victims ‘ families and for the family of the perpetrator.

– It can’t get worse, ” says one of the pastors of the Norwegian broadcasting corporation.

A person who has had with the persons charged with making the last few years, describes him as a withdrawn boy, who did not so much out of themselves.

Victim and charged in the same club

The defendant played football in the same sport club as Jacob Abdullahi Hassan, reports VG. The two did not play on the same team, because they are not born the same year. The different teams still had much to do with each other in connection with the training and internal struggles.

– We receive the news with dismay, ” says the chairman of the board, which tells us that they actively Wednesday to take care of the coaches and the players.

Witnesses NRK have spoken with describe the offender as a withdrawn boy and believes that he has not belonged to any charged environment.

Very rare that children kill

It is very rare that a 15-year-olds kill, ” says Sven Granath, kriminolog, and an analyst at the police station in Stockholm to the Swedish news agency TT.

If that happens, offrene almost always in one of three categories. Either, there is another teenager they have been arguing with, quite similar to the killer. Or it can be murder within the family, or a it is a somewhat older person who ranes and killed, ” says Granath.

Also the Norwegian voldsforskeren Ragnhild Bjørnebekk, says to NRK that it is quite extraordinary that someone who is so young, it kills.

The few children who have killed, may have been in a difficult situation for a long time. They have problems with dealing with aggression, ” says Bjørnebekk.

– They are not aware of the consequences and action that others are.

Tips from the public led forward

Tips from the public and the police’s own investigation, the police on the trail of the 15-year-old. He was summoned to the vitneavhør and during the interrogation he was presented for a drapssiktelse.

He told almost immediately that it was he who had carried out the killings. He then gave a detailed explanation to the police in the interrogation. Out from the totalbildet secure the police trust in his explanation. We have no concrete evidence to suggest that there have been more than one perpetrator, ” says visepolitimester in the South-East police districts, Terje Kaddeberg Skaar.

the Agder police have warned against a rykteflom that it should be more involved in the killings. – The police have no clues for a further offender or person, they write in a press release.

Currently no subject

Police have not provided any motive for the murder and will not go into detail about what the teenager has explained. The charged 15-year-old is in the same social circle as the death of the 14-year-old, but police have not found any relationship between the 15-year-old and the murdered tobarnsmoren Tone Ilebekk.

The indicted 15-year-old and the late Hassan went to school in the same area of Kristiansand, in the Vågsbygd. The two should have taken the bus together to the Grove Monday afternoon. According to the NRK is a central part of police investigations to find out what the two tenåringsguttene to do at the school, which is a kvarters drive from Vågsbygd.

the Police would not tell anything about how the boy appeared in the questioning or how he has it after the confessions. After politiavhøret late Tuesday evening however, he was taken care of by a health care professional.

high school kid

The indicted 15-year-old was a student at Karuss school in Kristiansand.

It is with sorrow and despair we have been told that the police have charged one of our students for the meaningless dobbeltdrapet. This is a sad and unreal situation that it is difficult to accept for us all. Our thoughts go first and foremost to the victims and their next of kin, but also to the offender and his family, ” says principal Hege Ose at the school.

Both at this school and at Fiskå school, where 14-year-old Jacob Abdullahi Hassan was a student, as well as through the Wilds of Memory school, where the murder occurred, the municipality’s crisis team assisted both students and teachers.

Oppvekstdirektør Arild Rekve in the municipality encourage parents and other adults in Kristiansand, to be extra available, and listening to children and young people in the years ahead.

– Many people are affected, and many children get a lot of information through the media. It is important to take the time to talk together and listen to the kids and what they are concerned about, ” he says.

the Police states that the families of both of the two drapsofrene and the charged 15-year-old get the assistance of emergency personnel.

This was a tragic case in point. The case is no less tragic when it is a 15-year-old that is behind, ” says Terje Kaddeberg Skaar. (©NTB)


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