Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A woman was awakened by the burglar – probably, they have been in several homes – Bergensavisen

When she screamed, she heard one or more persons who ran out of the house.

In the morning was a woman in Sørehavnveien in Alvøen in Bergen to the west, aroused by the fact that she heard that there were people in the house.

We were notified by a family member, and dispatched to the location. The woman had left the house, and met the police in a car, ” says operasjonsleder Lars Geitle.

the Woman had been sleeping when she was awakened by noises. She screamed, and heard then one or more persons who ran out of the house.

– We have made search with hundepatrulje in the area, and has found artifacts that may originate from at least one other house in the area. Therefore, it is the things that suggest that they have been more places, ” says operasjonslederen.

– How is it going with the woman who was in the house?

– She has probably got herself a trouble, but it shall go well with her, ” says Geitle.

Clock 0815 police avslyttet the search in the area, currently without result. The matter will be investigated.

Clock 0253 on the night of Wednesday, the police message about a man who behaved suspiciously at Nordnes in Bergen city centre.

– We went to the place, and the man bar on a gasspistol of a kind, a knife and some drugs. He has not done anything special or threatened anyone, and therefore were not taken to jails. He is being prosecuted for violation of the våpenloven, says Geitle.

Exactly what type of gun it was to talk about, he can’t answer.

– It was not a dangerous weapon, but these are nevertheless regulated by the våpenloven, and one should not drasse on them in the public rooms.


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