Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The father of Birgitte: – Now I dare to believe in a final answer – Aftenposten

on Wednesday he and his wife Karin taken off from work. They knew that it would be a tough day, a day of many emotions, with inquiries from family and friends, with phones and visits from reporters and photographers. On Tuesday, they were informed that Anders has delivered a report where they recommend a new investigation of the murder of their daughter – and that politidistriktet would follow this recommendation.

Torger and Karin Tengs followed the press conference from the living room at home in Sundvegen on Karmøy.

– It is surreal to follow a press conference is about our own daughter. Clearly it is tough. But – we are very happy that it now becomes a new review, says Karin Tengs.

Will not have Stavanger

Wednesday’s press conference at the politihuset in Haugesund did not Birgittes parents so many surprises. They knew that the criticism of the avhørsmetodene that was used against the cousin would come up again. They were also pretty sure that Anders would ask the investigators to look away from the fetterens confession.

It’s okay. Let them start again, close all the holes around the perpetrator, ” says Torger Tengs to Stavanger Aftenblad.

The only “bomb” that came in the course of the 40 minute long press conference, was that the investigation should be to Stavanger.

– This they said nothing about when we were informed on Tuesday. I react strongly that the base should be there. The environment in Stavanger is so small that the police share the canteen with a number of lawyers. I can not accept that the detectives are going to look at this matter shall have kompislunsj with Sjødin between battles, ” says Torger Tengs.

Arvid Sjødin is fetterens defender and have for many years worked actively to get Birgitte-the matter up again.

– I will, through our attorney, request that the case is being investigated in Oslo, says the Two Tengs. – If it is added to Stavanger, it will be hard for me to trust it.

Read the comment from the lawyer Arvid Sjødin after Wednesday’s press conference:

– Conducts a race

Both he and his wife are aware that all the wounds will be ripped up again now that the case will be reviewed again. They feel prepared.

We have lived with this for nearly 22 years. It is a kind of races; we know that we must go through, it is painful, but we take one leg at a time, do not give up. I get a kind of sense of achievement of making it, ” says Karin Tengs.

– What will be different if you get a final answer?

– Then we can get peace. It would have been a relief to be able to turn on the tv without that it suddenly pops up a picture of Birgitte. No more inquiries from the press, no more bustle of the city. With a definite answer, we could put this behind us – we could set a period and found the tranquility, ” says the couple.

Read what the father of the cousin believes:

Dreams of damning evidence

In the year there was 17 old murder of Kristin Juel Johannessen cleared when new technical methods gave a certain DNA match led to conviction. It is this Birgittes parents now hope to happen also in their case.

The technical tools have been so much better. It would have been redeeming if the investigators found a proof that was completely safe, which removed all doubt, ” says Torger Tengs.

Both he and his wife believe that his cousin was sentenced to pay compensation, has made it a little easier for them to move on.

– Now dare I believe that the police will find something that they don’t get past the perpetrator. That is what I dream about.

Two Tengs spotting so riled about the investigation. The wife is not as secure:

I hope, of course, but I have not so great faith that we will get a definite answer this time either. Fortunately, I must say. When the release I in any case to be disappointed, ” says Karin Tengs.

private investigator followed the press conference to the police on Wednesday, and believe it far the way it may be perceived as a renvasking of the cousin of Birgitte Tengs.

Read more about the new investigation by Birgitte-case:


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