Monday, December 26, 2016

Barnefattigdommen in Norway doubled in 16 years – the Newspaper Nordland

Over 90.000 children live in families defined as poor. It is a doubling since the year 2000, according to UNICEF Norway.

– Continues in the track as we do today, will the number of poor children in Norway continue to increase, says acting secretary general of UNICEF Norway Merete this standard defines the quality-Jensen.

She believes the measures that will be taken is bad.

– They are of therapeutic nature and not preventive. Thus, doing nothing with the reason that the families are poor, and, therefore, will the negative trend continue, ” says this standard defines the quality-Jensen.

UNICEF Norway has found what they consider as the worst news for children in Norway in the year. In addition to increasing child poverty, it is bad news for the children that it is the extensive use of detention of children at Trandum, Norway says no to give the children in the country right of appeal if rights are broken, and that the extent of mental health problems among children, especially girls, increases.

What is more gratifying is that there are small differences among children in Norway, more perform better in school, there are several professionals in the nursery and that Norwegian youth are drinking and smoking less. In addition, the number of children who die in Norway, halved in the last 20 years.

– It has gone down by 52 per cent, and the cause is the reduction in the spedbarnsdødsfall, trafikkdødsfall and sudden infant death syndrome, explains this standard defines the quality-Jensen.


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