Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas trees dumped in the woods – NRK

At the car park at the Låkeberget is Roar Grønvold in Bymiljøetaten by a kvistmaskin and cut up fir that was left after the christmas season.

– Only here we have found 300 trees, but it is at least as many inward in Maridalen, ” says Grønvold.

He expects to spend closer to 20 hours on grinding up all the christmas trees. According to him, there is juletreselgere behind.

They found the trees at evening when there are few people here and expect others cleaning up.

Roar Grønvold, in Bymiljøetaten have been given the job of kviste the many hundreds of christmas trees.

Photo: Heidi Fjørtoft Klokk / NRK

the trade association for The juletreselgere in Norway, the Norwegian christmas tree, is unhappy with the funds.

– This is highly regrettable and is putting the entire industry in a bad light, ” says manager John Anders the Beach.

He has never heard of similar cases of littering, by gjenvinningsstasjonene is it free to deliver christmas trees.

– This indicates the that there are some who don’t really know the routines and the rules, ” says Socorro. He suspects that there are rogue actors who are behind.

christmas Trees that are delivered in is used for combustion and to heat up homes. The trees may also be granted to farmers who give them to the animals.

Individuals can also live into their christmas trees free of charge. In Oslo retrieves the municipality of trees on several hentestasjoner. Here you can find out when they can pick up your three.

Roar Grønvold in Bymiljøetaten expect to spend around 20 hours on ryddejobben in Maridalen.

Photo: Heidi Fjørtoft Klokk / NRK


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