Sunday, December 25, 2016

Now, come handle the extreme weather “Urd” – Fredrikstad Blad

Metorologisk the Department sent Sunday out ekstremvarsel for Southern Norway- it means that the Area can expect gusts up to 35 m/s and up to 130 cm higher water level than what is normal.

There is little that reminds of christmas when one looks out the window – now it is even worse. Kristen Gislefoss in the Norwegian Meteorological Institute can tell that handle the extreme weather, caused by a stormsenter to the southeast of the Island, will turn into the Area on Monday evening, with water levels in the 90-130 cm above the normal values given in the tidevannstabelllen.

– It will be high water in some places in connection with the flo sea on Monday evening and into the night, telling Gislefoss to Fredriksstad Blad.


handle the extreme weather that is now on the way, is named after the norse skjebnegudinnen Urd. She was one of the three nornene who ruled men’s destinies and sat under the world tree, Yggdrasil.

Extreme gust

the Water level can be a problem for many, especially in the Oslo fjord, but it is first and foremost the wind being the biggest problem for østfoldingene, to a faith Gislefoss.

– As it has been mild through the winter, it has not set itself any tæle in the ground. It means that the trees have a relatively poor root and the extreme wind can lead to that more trees can go over the end. People should be vigilant, is the clear message from the meteorologist.

Good advice

Stensvand and Olsen recommend that people preparing for the possible consequences on what can be one of the worst uværene that have hit Southern Norway in several years.

the Securing of loose objects, proper mooring of boats, fully-charged mobile phones and working flashlights are among the tips.

It is expected also high waves along the coast with a wave height of between 13 and 15 metres, with enkeltbølger that can be up to 25 meters.

– do Not go out to the coast to see the waves, is one of the warnings to the on-duty meteorologist Reidun Holmøy by Værvarslinga on the West.


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