Friday, December 30, 2016

Firefighters rescued selunge. – It was at the very last minute – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): – It was at the very last minute. It had probably been hit as it was dark, it was not easy to see where it was, ” says team leader Kai Espen Feed which together with the brannmannkollega Kai Henning Velund rescued a selunge that had strayed out of the road on highway 44 in Flekkefjord Friday.

It was regionsavisen Lister24 which first reported about the special mission of the Flekkefjord departments. 110 Agder notified about the incident on Twitter at 15.20.

WAS TAKEN care OF: When they found themselves lost out on the road it’s good to have someone who can rescue you. Photo: Flekkefjord fire fighters Show more

Turned out

Feed tells us that the Friday afternoon happened to be on a mission together with Viltnemnda, as some had tipped off the harness that needed help along the road.

Then jerked the with the fire truck to the site.

We were with Viltnemnda to the place. When it appeared that the harness would out on the road for one reason or another, ” says underbrannmesteren, which tells us that the small selenium created a little traffic jam.

Wanton in the fire engine

the firefighters lifted selungen up and leave it in a suitable black box. Then got selungen his first road trip, even with a fire truck, many small child’s big dream.

the Harness was a bit wanton to begin with, in the car, says the Feed, which went to a beach in the municipality which is not being used as much at this time of year.

WOULD BE ON the LAND: Selungen did not want to swim to sea. It would rather be on land. Photo: Flekkefjord fire fighters Show more

It would not be out in the ocean when we tried to drop it out there, so we leave it under a tree in the grass close by, ” says Feed, that tells the firemen to check if it’s still there in the morning.

Why on the road?

One of the brannmenne tried to google out why the harness searched up on the country.

FINALLY: On this lawn had a selungen well. Photo: Flekkefjord fire fighters Show more

We wondered at first if it was sick, but one of the guys googled a bit and found out that the baby seals this time of year often separated with their mothers. When they are searching certain enough up on land to sleep, says the Feed.

Maybe the instincts would have on land, but that it chose a bit the wrong place to go up, says the Feed, which tells that it looked quite good and that it is not so emaciated.

- May be dying

Arne Bjørge, who leads a forskerutvalg about marine mammals at The institute of marine research and is an expert on seals, says this can be to talk about a little dyretragedie.

He believes that harness the most sannynlig is a grey seal that has come away from its mother.

And then, it has not received a milk, ” says Bjørge, which seems that it looks pretty emaciated in the pictures. He also says that looks like there is something wrong with the harness because a grey seal will wear a white ungepels.

- It can be a steinkobbeunge, but then it is born out of the time of year where they usually are born, which is in June, around Midsummer, ” says Bjørge.

It has probably crawled up on land because it is bad. Without the mother it will drown, ” says seleksperten, who believe that selenium may be dying and that it would be wise if someone contacts a dyrelege. Dagbladet has make the fire department aware of this, which says they will contact with local expertise.

I did now know that haverten and steinkobberunge at this time of the year does not depend on his mother, but we should take a trip to see how it has gone with it in the morning, ” says the fireman Feed to Dagbladet at 18.50 time.

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