Friday, December 9, 2016

SV will let the people take up issues in Parliament – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

the Party will that folkeforslag to have the support of a half percent of the population automatically comes up for Parliament, according to Dagsavisen. This corresponds to about 26.000 people.

In addition, one should be able to get the cases processed if one collects 10 per cent of the population in a county. For the country’s lowest populated county of Finnmark, is the equivalent of about 7.600 people.

– What we want is a scheme which implies that the proposal, which gathers so much support, need to be taken up for processing on Parliament, says deputy chair Snorre Valen of SV.

In January 2013 opened kommunaldepartementet website, where the people may require matters considered by the municipality or the county they live in. It required 300 signatures to get a case up at the municipal level, or 500 in the county.


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