Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday 9. December skjebnedag for the Norwegian smallholders – ABC News

– Those who are afraid it is set, wait on the jordbruksmeldinga. I’m a liberalist.

It alerted friskusen Jon Georg Dale on Bondelagets annual meeting in Lillehammer, 8. June of this year.

today is The day come, when the Solberg-government shall lay the general guidelines for Norwegian agricultural policy in the years to come.

– I have an uneasy feeling. Konsesjonsloven is proposed to delete. Markedsordninga is put under pressure. The weakening of the will challenge the ability to have agriculture all over the country, said Bondelags-leader Lars Petter Bartnes at the annual meeting.

Kjøttskjæreren and herding dog expert, Dale, 16. December of last year took over the job as minister of agriculture and mr. from his partifelle Sylvi Listhaug, took the ball:

– An accident rarely comes alone. We are two from Sunnmøre, he commented about itself and its predecessor Listhaug there.

the Government has already, with support from the Left and the christian democratic party has in Parliament, taken large grip that is changing the agricultural policy. Not least managed Sylvi Listhaug to redistribute a lot of state support of small and medium-sized use, to the very largest.

the Shift can be read off already from inntektstallene for 2015, which became known 1. December. While jærbøndene increased income by 28. percent, got it smådriftspregede vestlandsjordbruket less than the price increase – the poor 1.2 per cent.

But støttepartiene in the Parliament have also put on Listhaug and Dale. The progress party and the Right will much longer to “get the farmer off”, it will say dissolve many of the regulations that until now have been politically wanted to maintain both the small and large use throughout the country.

the Excitement of the day is how far liberalisten Dale go. Budsjettkrangelen recently update your question if the government in its jordbruksstrategi adds up to a continued alliance with the Left Sector, or running their ultimate race.

the Signals were evident in the regjeringsplattformen from Sundvollen:

“the Government will strengthen farmers’ right to freely dispose of their own property. Right and Fremskrittpartiet will work to revoke odelsbestemmelsen in the Constitution.”

It should well be made that Solbergregjeringen in this place goes to wind up the whole Odelsloven.

But other of the political governance mechanisms – such as price controls of agricultural properties and regulation of the markets, the past is about to ensure production throughout the country and achieve the prices that are provided, are convenient out.

I also expect that he will reduce the number of regions for the sale of milk quotas from the current 18. It implies that larger regions can be without the dairy.

In Sundvollenerklæringen alerts the government that tollvernet for Norwegian food production – the very opposite of strengthening the rødgrønnes the ministry of agriculture and mr. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) carried out, hereinafter to be impaired.

Lower customs duties for lower prices and weakened the economy for the Norwegian farmer. It is sweet music to the ears of those of us who are only consumers and not citizens.

For us it means something that the country is going to be changed in response to changes in agricultural policy.

the Mantra from the Dale is and that he will liberate the farmer from all the straitjackets, so that it becomes profitable for the store to produce more.

He will still hold on to the goal of increased Norwegian agricultural production. It assumes, as he confirmed in a debate meetings against the Centre party’s Per Olaf Lundteigen in august, that it becomes more crop production, i.e. grass, grain and oilseed crops in the country.

It sounds well and good.

But with all the political measures the government wants to dissolve, is it less rational for people to continue to drive the small use, and it becomes less rational to cultivate the many smålappene to keep the Norwegian crop production up.

To understand these mechanisms is complicated for people outside of agriculture. And Jon Georg Dale can invoke frihetsprinsippet:

He removes the restrictions. some choose to invest, others to put down, are decisions entirely up to the individual trader.

How the country will look, will therefore be the sum of the norway to england choices, and not up to politicians to determine.

the Government can already to the spring knock through of the future agricultural policy in Parliament, with the restrictions Left and This find for the good to come with.

So can liberalisten Dales policy is reflected already in the next year jordbruksavtale.

And so it went: Dale provides more frislipp and removes ecological goals


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