Thursday, December 15, 2016

Erna:- Media are suspended in the Sylvi – Dagbladet.en

(Dagbladet): prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) believes it is okay for immigration and integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug (progress party) yesterday launched its own innsamlinsaksjon.

I think That’s okay. I have even set me at the head of many fundraising through the years, ” says Solberg to the Newspaper.

Persecuted christians

Listhaugs fundraiser go to the organization “Open Doors”, who works for persecuted christians.

the Initiative comes happens three weeks after that the actor Kristoffer Get collected 3, 2 million to the Norwegian Organisation for asylum Seekers (NOAS). The money will go to providing asylum seekers with information and assistance.

SUMMARY: prime Minister Erna Solberg summed up the political fall on his half-yearly press conference today. She has a good faith belief still bourgeois government after the election, and believes the four parties to the Right, the conservative party, the Progress and the Left have achieved a lot together. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix Show more

In a video on the Facebook page, says Listhaug that she thinks it is bad that the money in the first action was collected in her name, since they according to her went to pay employees in Norway.

- Picks out one organization

Her newly appointed secretary of state, Fabian Stang (H) says it is not a question of taking back, rather, to be inspired, according to the newspaper the Day who first wrote about the campaign.

Secretary general Ann Margit Austenå in NOAS says to the newspaper that she thinks it is good that Listhaug engage for persecuted christians, but that it is specifically to pick out one organization on the way.

I expect that Listhaug now also will take the initiative for fundraising for the Red Cross, the Norwegian refugee council and Doctors without Borders, which also meet persecuted christians, says Austenå.

- Very busy of Sylvi

Listhaugs boss, prime minister Erna Solberg, it seems, is entirely in order that Listhaug start a fundraising campaign for the “Open Doors”.

” You have to stop pretending that it is something special when Sylvi, do things that very many others do.

- you Mean the media is hung up in Sylvi?

- Yes, very. Too much by her are seen and assessed in a completely different way than is the case with other politicians. It is fascinating to see how busy one is of completely normal things she says and does. That a minister sets up for a fundraising campaign, is not something special.

- Has gone with bøsse

- I have set up on all CHANNELS-actions, not just with money, I’ve gone with bøsse, and recorded videos in support of fundraising. Solveig Horne is coming on behalf of the government to be present Saturday at the Flyktningehjelpens collection. So this is quite normal, ” says Solberg.

the Opportunities for continued civic cooperation after the parliamentary election was a theme in the america’s semi-annual press conference today. Solberg said that it has been a challenging fall, but she showed what the four parties have agreed and been through.

ANSWER INCOMPLETE: Bashar Alshiekh (29) ask Sylvi Listhaug why he did not get his application processed by UDI. The video was first posted on the Facebook group Asylbloggen. Video: Asylvloggen / Facebook Show more Show more

- There are four parties that much, but that too has got to a lot. We deliver on what we have set ourselves that goal, ” said Solberg. She turned to measures that ensure greenhouse gas emissions, and “the biggest bet ever on children and familiepolitikken.” KrF can say to their voters that they have got great support for familiepolitikken, and the Left can say to their voters that they get reflected in the climate policy. We carry out a green shift. We deliver on new ideas and better solutions, ” said Solberg.

- Not something rødgrønt option

Solberg think there is a good chance that the government continues after the election in 2017.

In 2013, it was a different situation. Then you had a rødgrønt option. It has not now. Ap will work with many, but the problem is that we don’t know what it is on the page. Compared with 2013 have centrist parties more options. But I think we’ve shown that we can work together in four years.

of course, It is demanding. But it was difficult for the present coalition government also. The difference is that they had closed the door and drawn the curtains. WE saw the where the weary and dradde they were occasionally. And it was released on the meetings at the meeting room 3 (on the prime minister’s office, ed. anmerkn.), and that budgets were never finished before they would go to press about. This is the stories we heard about how tough it was. But it only happened not for the open stage. With us are the political discussions gone for the open stage, ” says Solberg.

- Many in the Sector, and the Left believes the political differences between the four samarbeidspartiene have been greater through the period. What do you mean?

- Support for the Progress and Left

- the Difference is in real terms not been greater, and we also know that it is possible to find solutions. But at the last general election there was a tydligere dichotomy. Now centrist parties may see opportunities for cooperation on the other side. But I think we should try to get to the civil government if there is a bourgeois majority. And we have shown that we can find good and viable compromises.

It is first and foremost to go to the voters, to show that we have the best solutions and ask for a mandate. Many of the compromises that have been good for KrF and V. enstre measures Ap wouldn’t normally have gone for, ” says Solberg.

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