Thursday, December 15, 2016

Why can’t Sylvi Listhaug to stretch out a hand to someone, without … – the Newspaper.en

prime Minister Erna Solberg opened yesterday its semi-annual press conference with a scathing comment to the humanitarian catastrophe now unfolding in Aleppo. The international legal order does not work when one of the Un vetoland is complicit in the tragedy, pointed out she. And “there rests a great responsibility on the Russian federation”. Large, more powerful can not a head of state from Norway criticize our mighty neighbour in the east.

Aleppos tragedy is a taint of på history of the world Leader

at the same time, another place in regjeringskollegiet, there is another call-in to christmas. The asylum and integreringsminister Sylvi Listhaug wants to draw attention to persecuted christians in the christmas season, and posted a video greeting on Facebook with a request to donate to the christian charity Open Doors. It is not in itself unnatural, particularly with respect to the attack recently against a christian meninghet in Cairo. The problem is the way she makes it, that is so distasteful that even Open Doors responds.

In the video begin Listhaug: “It has previously been a fundraiser in my name that goes to pay bureaucrats in Norway. It seems I’m very sorry. Therefore, I have, and Fabian (the Rod, the secretary of state, ed.anm.) taken the initiative to something that we think is much more important”. The minister talks about the fundraising which was a collaboration between actor Kristoffer Get and the Norwegian organisation for asylum seekers (NOAS).

the Organization Open Doors is naturally not happy to be put in this hostage situation, and writes on their website about the initiative from Listhaug:

Umusikalsk about etterlønn Leader

“we think it is unfortunate that the support to Open the Doors are set up against it to support Noas. We are happy for the work Noas do, they are a major player in a demanding landscape.”

Why can’t Sylvi Listhaug to stretch out a hand to someone, without having to spit someone else in the face?

Now are many as the driver gjøn with Open Door work, that they have a marginal project that goes out on to obtain bibles, conducting correspondence, provide training to pastors and evangelists. But on its website informing the organization that in Syria funneled Open Door support through local churches and networks. In the churches get all the help regardless of faith, gender, and ethnicity.

Let us not is led into temptation to yell at christian organizations that provide help. Distress is great in many places, it is more than enough for everyone. There is a chasm between human nature usual prime minister Solberg measurable in its press conference, and it Listhaug shows in his latest stunt. It is a good example of why this government is struggling to stick together a more than half of the year before the next general election.

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