Thursday, December 8, 2016

When Jacob (14) was killed, went to the somali environment in “shifts” to help … – the Newspaper.en

KRISTIANSAND, norway (Dagbladet): on Monday evening at 18.00 was Jacob Abdullahi Hassan (14) declared dead.

Just at the Wilds Memory school in Kristiansand, he was in Tone and Ilebekk (48) inflicted fatal knife wounds on the afternoon. At 16.10 went the alarm with the police.

Again placed the two families in Kristiansand without their loved ones. Jacob leaves behind a mother, a father, and five siblings.

ASSISTS the FAMILY: a Lawyer Kristine Eide assists the family of the killed Jacob Abdullahi Hassan (14). Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix Show more

the Family has it completely terrible. There are still many unanswered questions, but they are grateful for all the support they have received, both from the public and the private, says the family’s lawyer, Kristine Eide, to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.

Part of our culture

The public help she is talking about, is from the municipality, including kriseteamet.

The private help has come from the somali environment in Kristiansand – a environment leader for the somali foreninga in the city – Mohamed Dalmar Shirwac describes as very severally.

He explains that when the somali environment got the news that one of their own was a victim in the tragic dobbeltdrapssaken, mobilized the environment around the family.

They have received help with everything from childcare, cooking for a shoulder to cry on. It has almost been a sort of turnusordning, tells foreningslederen.

- It is a part of our culture. When a tragedy befalls a family, set we up 110 per cent all together. Those who are unable to be there with a time, call with a time, and pops up in other ways, ” says Shirwac.

FORENINGSLEDER: Mohamed Dalmar Shirwac, the chairman of the somali association in Kristiansand, overreker on behalf of Jacob (14) family a thank you to all who have supported them the last few days. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

Thank you for your help

He has contact with that family several times a day, and know that the family wish to thank all those who have helped them.

They thanks not least to the municipality. The support has been amazing, it has been neat and clear the entire way, and it makes the family appreciate and are very happy, ” says foreningslederen.

the 15-year-old has confessed

Police in Kristiansand reported on Wednesday that they had arrested and charged a 15-year-old boy for the murder of Jacob Abdullahi Hassan (14) and the Tone Ilebekk (48).

15-year-old has confessed the killings in questioning with the police, and submitted a detailed description of the event.

Ilebekk went walking with the dog then she will have come across a situation between Jacob and the drapssiktede 15-year-old. Then shall Ilebekk have tried to go into the stuasjonen with the goal of helping.

She came through it and that is random passers-by, she came up in a situation and tried to help 14-year-old Hassan, says Tove Karlsen Westby, the assistance of counsel to Ilebekks family.

Was the first witness

The indicted 15-year-old was initially called in to the police as a witness in the case, but after each shift of the police status in 15-year-old from witnessing the sight. The charged 15-year-old, and Hassan should have known each other, according to the police, and to have belonged to the same social circle.

today told the police that they had secured the murder weapon that was used against Ilebekk and Hassan.

15-year-old contributed according to the police with information about where he had placed the weapon.

- the Defendant has been cooperative with the police and he has explained how he has laid out what he himself designates as the murder weapon, informs the police.

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