Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Spesialenheten will not succeed in closed doors – VG

the Oslo district court has decided that there are no closed doors during the entire explanation for the Eirik Jensen and Gjermund Cappelen.

Spesialenheten for police matters filed two weeks ago that the entire explanation for the two accused have to go for closed doors.

The Oslo district court now said no to.

the Trial against politioverbetjent Eirik Jensen and hasjbaronen Gjermund Cappelen starts in Oslo district court 9. January.

Spesialenheten for police matters, believes Jensen has contributed to cappelen in his hasjsmugling by providing information about police activity. According to the indictment, he received money for the information.

Jensen wanted to open the doors

Normally goes non for open doors in Norway. It also applies to eksamineringen of the defendant – which is a very central element in the bevisførselen.

Our petition is justified on grounds of danger to life and health of individuals, as well as the opportunity to get the matter the best possible illuminated, said Guro Glærum Kleppe in Spesialenheten for police matters to the VG in the previous week.

Eirik Jensen struck through his defenders stated that he wanted to open the doors. Lawyer Benedicte de Vibe, which is cappelen in his defense, supported Spesialenhetens desire closed doors.

It is good that the court did not follow the Spesialenheten, the public prosecutor and cappelen in his desire for a secret trial. It doesn’t belong in a constitutional state. Jensen wishes that the general public and the media should follow the issue closely, says defender John Christian Fire to the VG.

Fear of cappelen in his life

Spesialenhetens petition was based on the argument that Gjermund Cappelen – in the form of informant – provided information to Eirik Jensen that he may have had use for in his position in the police.

– If it becomes known to unauthorised persons that Cappelen has given information to the police, this will constitute a danger for his and his family’s life and health. Spesialenheten assume that the proliferation of such information also can pose a danger to the Jensen and possibly other tjenestepersoner, argued Spesialenheten towards the right.

the Oslo district court believes this is not already known to the general public, and refers to the many interviews the defendant and the defendant’s defenders have given to the press for the past three years. Furthermore, it is not right to know about this information have resulted – or could result – a danger for life and health.

– Based on Spesialenhetens claim, the court may, however, not exclude this, but this is not essential at the present time without further documentation, write tingrettsdommer Kim Heger in the decision.

the Court has also decided that it can be made TV-recordings of the reading of the indictment, innledningsforedragene and procedures.


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