Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Principal: Julesangsensur was misunderstanding – VG

Pupils at a school in Stavanger was told that the “nisseunger” should be replaced with “people” and “christmas” with “winter” when they were singing christmas carols. But the principal at the school claim the letter was sent out by mistake.

When students in the sixth grade at Nylund school in Stavanger were given christmas carols they were going to practice, was the essential words replaced:

“Nisseunger” had been to “persons”, while “soon, christmas is here again” should be sung “now is the winter here on the new”. “Santa come here” was replaced with “our friends come here”, and “julelykt” was replaced with “vinterlykt”.

Further wrote, Stavanger Aftenblad Wednesday that juleavslutningen at Nylund school was renamed to “desembersamling”. According to the newspaper the students were also not sing the text of “Delicious is the earth”. It had the hum.

Of the newspaper, explained the principal, Frøydis M. S. Anthonsen that two years ago was one parent who complained that the school let up to julegudstjeneste.

Therefore, tried established management board to take this into account, and cater to the wishes of the parents, she said to the newspaper.

On the question of why the words “christmas” and “goblins” is replaced, and students have to settle with to hum “Delicious is the earth”, she replied the following:

– Someone who doesn’t want julebudskapet would perceive it as offensive that the word “christmas” are included, for they hang themselves up in that when the word “christmas” is, so it must be something christian.

– Should not have been sent out

VG-publicized case in 20.30-time on Wednesday night, and made repeated attempts to get in contact with the principal by Nylund school, Frøydis M. S. Anthonsen, without success.

a Few hours later, late on Wednesday night, rejecting the principal face of the Newspaper that the school would censor christmas carols.

What had happened, according to Anthonsen, was that the school’s music teachers had switched out some words in some christmas carols. The aim was to examine whether parents felt it worked better, so.

– But the letter should never have been sent out, says Anthonsen to the Newspaper.

According Anthonsen ended thus, the modified julesangteksten of one class by mistake.

Also, Liv Runesdatter, music teacher at Nylund, says the issue is due to a misunderstanding.

It is the original versions to be sung on Friday, they are also out there on the web pages of classes, ” says Runesdatter to NRK.

She confirms, however, that the text of “Delicious is the earth” shall nynnes, but emphasises that it is first and foremost a musical and dramaturgisk grip.

When VG earlier on Wednesday evening was in contact with the commissioner of education in the municipality of Stavanger, Jørn Pedersen, he said that he only knew the case through the one that had been in the media.

I have not had the opportunity to investigate this further tonight, but will contact the principal of the Nylund school early tomorrow morning to hear what is behind, he says to VG.

Discussions about julesamlingen

the Principal Anthonsen explained first to Stavanger Aftenblad that there have been discussions among the parents at Nylund school about what the content will be in this year’s julesamling.

While some wanted to maintain the old christmas habits, would have a more alternative collection.

ROLES responded

ROLES manager at Nylund school, Arvid Berentsen confirmed over VG that they had understood it so that the christmas songs were written about, some ROLES are opposed.

<p>NEGATIVE: ROLES-leader Arvid Berentsen do not agree skoleledelsens måtea å mark jul på.</p>

NEGATIVE: ROLES-leader Arvid Berentsen do not agree skoleledelsens way to mark christmas.

Photo: Private

– We want a different solution that gives a greater degree of freedom of choice, said Berentsen, and skiserte:

The students who have parents who do not want the children to be in worship, after FAUs suggestions have a julesamling at school with less christian elements.

The students, who because of their parents ‘ beliefs can’t be with any of these events, with FAUs arrangement to get the regular teaching.

Think the humanistic version would support the parents

the ROLES come according to Berentsen with his proposal in October, but it was voted down by majorities because the teachers thought it was too short a time to implement it. The arrangement is adopted carried to the next year.

” We are basically reluctant to add us into the details of musikkundervisningen. I realize that parents who do it can be a pest and nuisance, ” admits ROLES-leader.

He said, however, on the contrary no to that, the students were to sing a rewritten version as a Humanist Publishing house has made of “Delicious is the earth”.

– I realized that it would encounter more parents in bibelbeltet here. Therefore, I withdrew properly in the emergency brakes when the principal asked me to council about it, ” says Berentsen.

– Omskrivningene of the other songs I think are strange, but they’re not so bad that we as parents should intervene with an attempt detaljregulering.

– Non-believers reacted to the påskegudstjeneste

After the ROLES-leader Arvid Berentsen know of, there has not been any complaints from the parents in advance of this year’s julesamling.

– In connection with a påskegudstjeneste a few years ago, it was complained that the students participated in the preaching of the gospel, when the song påskesanger. As far as I know, there was a family with non-believers background that reacted, ” he says.

I’m quite sure that it would not become something of a row in the foreldregruppen if the songs had been sung in its originalversjon, ” he says.

Berentsen points out that the school did not have any revised scheme in connection with the Lucia celebration, which is to the memory of a catholic saint.

Nissen, who is based at a different catholic saint, is being censored because he is not stueren. I understand not why one saint is stueren and not the other, ” says Berentsen.

– do you Think the children at the school felt to be excluded with the old scheme?

I have not perceived that there has been some form of tvangsforkynning. If you had an active registration, it would have been ok. I don’t think that kids have a pain of going into a mosque where it is requested, and I have not problems with that the kids are in a church, the answer ROLES-leader.


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