Sunday, December 11, 2016

Bondeopprør against the Dales landbruksmelding – VG

Bondeorganisasjonene react sharply on the government’s new agricultural policy. Also on the Parliament meets in Jon Georg Dale (Frp) vehement opposition.

The Norwegian landbruksmodellen is under attack, according to the centre party. SV maintains that the matsikkerheten deteriorate, while Miljøpartiet De Green call landbruksmeldingen “pure Frp-ideology”. The labour party insists that the government’s desire for simplification, provides deterioration, cuts, and liberalisation.

the Government weakens the farmers ‘ position in the value chain for food and provides even more power to the chains. The farmer is sitting with increased risk, says leader Lars Petter Bartnes, Norwegian farmers ‘ union.

the Norwegian Farmer and Småbrukarlag says they have great expectations of that majority in Parliament will design a policy that will ensure a agriculture throughout the country and a sustainable exploitation of Norwegian agricultural land.

– There is a need for a different agricultural policy than that this government adds up to, says acting head of the Norwegian Farmer and Småbrukarlag, Arne Lofthus.

Open letter to the Dale: Let me give you your daily milk


Also the government’s two støttepartier Left and KrF is critical to landbruksmeldingen as Dale la until Friday. The proposal to cut the number of melkeregioner see it not to be plural.

– It is not the current policy of the Left to reduce from 19 to 10 regions, without further ado, ” says the Liberal Pål Farstad to NTB. KrFs Line Henriette Hjemdal is on the same line and states that it is out of the question for the party to support the proposal.

This is also critical to the government’s desire to discontinue the current scheme for the market regulation of grain and eggs.

– I suspect the minister to ride the political kjepphester when I hear he put forward the government’s policy for markedsreguleringsordningene, says Hjemdal.

the Liberal Pål Farstad is more open.

– I will have a more thorough review of the basis for this before I may well of this proposal, ” he says.

<p>CRITICAL: Leader Lars Petter Bartnes, Norwegian farmers ' union sets itself critical to the government's landbruksmelding. He believes the government weakens the farmers ' position in the value chain for food and provides even more power to the chains.</p>

CRITICAL: Leader Lars Petter Bartnes, Norwegian farmers ‘ union sets itself critical to the government’s landbruksmelding. He believes the government weakens the farmers ‘ position in the value chain for food and provides even more power to the chains.

Photo: Audun Braastad, NTB scanpix


agriculture minister says the agricultural sector must realign themselves to increase and improve the efficiency of the Norwegian food production.

– The most important thing is to ensure agricultural production throughout the country. The best soil to use for crops and grøntproduksjon, not pets, says Dale to the NTB.

He believes it is right to discontinue the markedsreguleringen for the production of cereals and eggs and says markedsbalanseringen may be made by an independent player.

– It will strengthen the legitimacy and to remove the uncertainty about some players enjoy advantages that others do not have, ” says Dale.

Also for apple and matpotet, the government will discontinue the markedsbalanseringen and introduce equal treatment with the production of fruit and vegetables. The TINEs should still be markedsregulator for cow’s milk and Nortura retain a similar role within the meat production.

do you Remember? Dale black the municipality on the rim


the target price and volummodellen for pork is also proposed discontinued, which will imply that the scheme is the same for pork as for the other kjøttslag.

Landbruksmeldingen are also called for stricter climate measures in agriculture. In dialogue with the industry to be a concrete plan for emission reductions are developed.

– We will put a greater emphasis on klimahensyn in the upcoming jordbruksoppgjør. It is not possible to produce food without emissions, but it is important to reduce the overall klimagassutslippet from agriculture, ” says Dale.

the Government is also committed to remove the 15-prosentmålet for ecological turnover and production in the landbruksmeldingen.

today we have significantly more production than what is actually being traded. Long-term consumer trends pulls in the direction of organic products, but there is no idea to maintain a goal that leads to increased matsvinn, ” says Dale.

the Liberal Pål Farstad will oppose the removal of the økomålene and says it is defensive of the agriculture minister to drop them.


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