Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Woman found dead on the walkway – real murderers indicted – VG

Shocked passersby witnessed that a woman was brutally killed on a walkway on Trosterud in Oslo. Now her husband arrested.

The police was notified of the incident clock 18.15 Tuesday night and moved quickly out of the place. There they found the woman, who is in his 30s, was seriously injured.

According to the Oslo police were alerted by a passerby who observed the woman being attacked by a man.

It was implemented lifesaving, but the woman was declared dead at 18.42, said emergency manager Trine Jorkjenn the Oslo police told VG. The man, who is in his 40s, was arrested near the scene.

– He is charged with murder, said Jorkjenn VG.

to VG confirms Grete Lien Metlid, head of the department of Violence and sexual offenses in the Oslo police, the victim and the accused were married.

– Based on what we know, they a married couple, says Metlid VG.

the police have seized a stab weapons they relate to the event, according Metlid.

TELL VG : Do you know anything about the case? Have photos or video? Contact us here!

Was probably on the way home

Metlid states that both victim and perpetrator living in Oslo, but both are of foreign origin. The woman was probably on his way home when she was killed.

The couple has several children together. These are now being cared for by health and child protection.

Among other things, found a suitcase at the dead woman.

– She may have been traveling and was on his way home, says Metlid .

Metlid adding that the man has not yet been questioned, but stressed that they also work with several witnesses.

Several witnesses to the murder

On Tuesday evening were several witnesses in for questioning by the police. Several of these, according Metlid have witnessed the murder.

– It may look like we have very important witnesses. These are random individuals in the area. It is also one that is in the area who call the police.

After the woman was found dead, plucked police out to a private address in Oslo. The man was after the VG knows not arrested here.

According Metlid is neither victim or the accused known by the police in the past.

Witness saw dead person

A witness VG has talked to drove past the place at 18 o’clock and noticed that the bus stop on both sides of the place was cordoned off. He observed a large number of police cars, both uniformed and civilian, as well as several ambulances.

– As I drove around I see that the second stop is also blocked off. Then I saw that there is a person on the ground that was covered up, telling the witness VG.

Just before the clock 20 were technical investigators in full swing scene investigations. Police have cordoned off a large area around a bus stop at the traffic junction where the woman was found.

& lt; p & gt; & # xc5; TOWN: Police  have covered the d & # xF8; the woman who was  found on the & # xE5; Trosterud in Oslo  Tuesday evening. & # xA0; & lt; / p & gt;

CRIME SCENE: Police have covered the dead woman was found on Trosterud in Oslo Tuesday evening.

Photo: VG-Tip
& lt; p & gt; BLOCKED OFF: Police crime  technicians are p & # xE5; space by & #  xE5; instead at the bus stop on the & # xE5;  Trosterud in Oslo. & lt; / p & gt;

BLOCKED OFF: Police crime technicians are in place at the scene at the bus stop on Trosterud in Oslo.

Photo: Helge Mikalsen VG


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