Monday, June 20, 2016

Reindeer Practitioner found dead – NRK

A reindeer herder is found dead in Loppa by a rescue helicopter was sent out to look for him Monday morning.

– Findings in the case, the crew found reindeer athlete died, said operations in Finnmark Police in January Olav Scholberg NRK.

the relatives are notified.

Could not communicate

Reindeer practitioner set out to mend some fences yesterday morning. A cottage owner in the area did not contact the man after he spoke with him last night.

– He was going to repair some reindeer fences in Olderdalen between Troms and Finnmark. He went out yesterday morning and cabin owner talked with him last night. After that, no one any more contact, said operations manager Jan Olav Scholberg NRK.

Reindeer practitioner had a Sami tent by the lodge and cottage owner became worried when he did not come back and it was only his dog was again.

the police also tried to call the man, without getting in touch with him.

Sent helicopter

police contacted JRCC in Northern Norway, which went out in the area to look for the man.

– Given that it is difficult to make out other resources in the area, so they send an Sea-King into the area, said Operations Officer shortly after they were notified about the event.

It was a rescue helicopter found the man. The cause of death is not known.


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