Thursday, June 30, 2016

Government opens for salmon growth – Fjorda Bladet

– Lack of salmon may cause us to price ourselves out of the market. Therefore set we implemented measures to increase production com victory Fisheries Per Sandberg (FRP).

Bagus giving aquaculture increased flexibility so that they can utilize existing capacity better – at the ceiling for how much fish who may be at sea aukast in the best growth period, against the host sunk in the rest of the year. Thus oppdrettaren exploit dei naturopath temperaturvariasjonane sea better.

– It is voluntary for oppdrettarane to accept your offer, and it is therefore not possible to estimate how much growth this will provide. But unite it will provide growth in the trial, says Sandberg.

He says the measure will give industry increased flexibility and possibilities in to holding up production through the winter, avoiding leave.

the scheme will cost 1.5 million per license, in which 80 percent goes to municipalities and counties, and they rest through 20 percent goes to the state.

Ifølgje Industry and fisheries Ministry, it is no ein environmental situation that makes ein growth with sound.

– Fewer construction goes louse limits, and sea lice was lågt first half of this year, says Sandberg, who stresses that the individual oppdrettarar also need to consider what constitutes proper operation. (© NPK)


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