Tuesday, June 28, 2016

UKIP leader VG: – The Norwegian people have been deceived – VG

BRUSSELS (AP) Nigel Farage wanted Britain out of the EU. Now he gets his way, but does not want Norway solution. It is miserable, he said.

– Norway’s situation would have been unacceptable to Britain. The Norwegian people voted against membership of the EU. One would think that the first one that politicians kept their word. Parliament has deceived the people and wondered Norway into a bad deal with the EU. It’s something I want to protect the British people from. As we join us out of the EU we will have a good deal, says the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Nigel Farage, VG.

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Farage follows the summit of the European Council in Brussels, where his and Britain’s outgoing Prime Minister David Cameron explains Britain’s upcoming farewell to EU for their prime counterparts.

Poor solution

tuesday has a number of experts and politicians in Britain have advocated that the British should go the Norwegian EEA model when the few years leaving the European Union.

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Among other things writes commentator Wolfgang Münchau in Financial Times on Tuesday that “Norway solution is the best available for the UK.”

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Prime Minister Erna Solberg said however VG Tuesday night that she did not believe the British would choose EEA agreement because it is too extensive and binding in the EU.

at that point she gets, thus providing full support from Farage.

– you can fish you own fish and you have plenty of money, so it’s not so cruel to you. But it would not have been good for Britain. I will not have a Norway-solution, but a British solution on our own terms, says Farage.

“What does she know?”

He denies that his solution Britain will involve island nation isolates itself away from Europe.

– I still want us to engage in trade with the EU, and that people should be working in the UK and vice versa. But there must be a fair and good deal where we do not emit sovereignty to the EU. Now we have secured sovereignty again.

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– Norway’s prime minister has said that she did not think you had a plan for what would happen if you won. What’s your response to that?

– What does she know about it? I have a plan. Let us hope that the British authorities also have it. Toast! says Farage VG while he turns to a bar and orders a beer.


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