Thursday, June 9, 2016

Risking their lives to take on the glaciers –

(Dagbladet): Two years ago, a German couple in their 30s slain by the children as witnesses after they had taken the past warning signs and barriers to get close to the beautiful but dangerous Nigardsbreen in Sogn.

The news of glacier whose calving and ice masses who took life in the summer sun, went around the world.

Whether they had absorbed the news or not, no later than Tuesday defied this group of eight to ten tourists hazard signs and physical barriers to get right upon the equally erratic Boyabreen same area.

Before the big tourist flow to the four glaciers near the Norwegian glacier Museum in Fjaerland, as people from around the world seek, warns glacier museum strongly to defy signs and barriers.

Travel far – will take on

– It’s life at risk. Stein and ice loosens without notice. But when people have traveled far, there are unfortunately far too many who oversee the barriers to taking on the ice and being photographed closely, says lecturer Paul Gran Kielland at the Norwegian Glacier Museum to Dagbladet.

Tuesday, he and a school class on excursion to the viewpoint at glacial lakes saw a group of tourists who had taken up until the avalanche under icefall to Boyabreen.

– Several of tourists climbed the ice mass to be imaged and vaste around up there . A landslide from the top at about 1200 meters can shamble along everything in its path down to the valley floor at 150 meters. A dangerous activity when ice avalanches can come very suddenly, says Gran Kielland.

It is especially during periods of heavy rain and strong sun and melting glaciers can calve suddenly. Sometimes with a little bouldering in advance, but not enough notice to get back from the forbidden area.

– Tantalising marketing

– Both national government, natural Authority, the police and local forces make a great effort with signs, barriers and information about the danger of going completely under the ice, but unfortunately there are some who take chances in their eagerness to get close to. Every summer we see dangerous situations.

I think some of the situations can be triggered by titillating promotional images in the world of glaciers, Pulpit Rock and Trolltunga. But signs here by glaciers can not leave any mistaken, says Paul Gran Kielland Dagbladet.

Before the largest inflow of tourists come to the Norwegian Bremuseeum and glaciers, the number of visitors increased by 30 percent compared to last year until June. It indicates that the old record of 70,000 visitors a year can be lost.

Boyabreen and Suphellebreen (10 minute drive from the glacier museum), Nigardsbreen (half hour) and Briksdalbreen (two hours) get the biggest tourist visits.


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