Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Listhaug: Norway has become less attractive as a country of asylum – VG

Norway has become a far less attractive country for asylum seekers and people smugglers, said immigration minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP).

OR ask her use this leeway to pour in tuition for those who are already here.

– Use a billion to teach asylum seekers Norwegian. It’s completely pointless that they should learn to accept insurance before they learn Norwegian, when Listhaug and government halves Norwegian training in the centers, says Karin Andersen (SV) VG.

Yesterday cut parliamentary parties their view of the government’s austerity proposals in the Immigration Act. There will be stricter rules, but the government lost several battles and get no majority for tightening the rules for family reunification and for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

Read more here: Listhaug get no majority for tightening

Record low asylum figures

Now alerts UDI that they about shortly will adjust the forecasts notified 25,000 asylum arrivals to Norway this year. Five months out in 2016, there have been 1,407 asylum seekers to Norway.

Sylvi Listhaug is uncertain what will happen in the future:

– It is difficult to plan. No one can predict for sure what might come, as we saw last year. The agreement between Turkey and Greece is working now, but what’s ahead is uncertain. It is also uncertain what happens with traffic across the Mediterranean from Libya to Italy, says Listhaug VG.

See also: Norwegian ship rescued 200 refugees

deselects Norway

– is Norway has become a less attractive country to seek asylum in?

– Yes, it is my impression when I have spoken with migrants both in Greece and Italy. When I ask about their view of Norway, says that Norway has been strictly and less attractive. and not a country they want to travel to, say Listhaug.

– People who work for Frontex in Italy say the same thing: There are noticeably fewer wanting to Norway, adds the minister.

– Why is Norway become less attractive?

– It has political signals to do. Everything that happens here at home, gets noticed. Many people want to travel to Germany, but noticeably fewer people will travel to Norway. It is important to be clear on austerity measures, because this is a market driven by smugglers.

Remember: The King: We can not accept all of Africa

Cuts tuition

Parliament is now in the final stages of processing integration message, there Listhaug in May announced that she take 50 hours tuition and apply them to a compulsory course in civics and equality.

Supports Parliament this, the number of Norwegian hours for asylum seekers may be reduced from 250 to 125 during the year.

It believes SV is an incredibly bad idea:

– SV will propose a Norwegian-billion. Integration is about helping people into Norwegian society and the work force. and not into inaction. There are too many who go bored in asylum centers. The government likes to profile itself as tough on asylum seekers, but here they are just puny. Norwegian Knowledge is the key to do well in Norway, says Karin Andersen, SV premier immigration politician, told VG.

She criticizes the government for not bet hard enough on language teaching, all parties think is key to successful integration.

See also: Listhaug will teach refugees Norwegian folk customs

Builds integration receiving

But Sylvi Listhaug stands on its:

– we are stuck in our proposals, and we’ll see what happens in Parliament. The most important thing is the 50 hours that will be used to learn the laws and regulations in the Norwegian society, says Listhaug.

– Will there be room to spend more money on integration and tuition now when asylum seekers arriving yesterday so sharply?

– having less pressure on arrivals, means you can spend more time and power to integrate those obtaining residency. We will now go ahead with experiments with integrating reception for them to be in Norway. We will put in place four or five such centers first, then we will increase the number if it is successful. Where it will be fully tap the massive tuition, says Listhaug.


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