emergency Services in a major rescue operation after it was heard cries for help from the sea in Øygarden in Hordaland county.
We received a message from a neighbor who should have heard the four cries. He could not locate where the cry came from, or if it was from a man, but we chose to go high, telling operasjonsleder at the Western police district, Morten Rebnord.
No persons were reported missing in the area.
Redningsdykkere and boats from the fire department have searched the area throughout the night along with politet and 24 people from the Red cross, a person from Norwegian people’s Aid and the two hundeekvipasjer.
Letemannskapene have conducted an extensive search from the sture terminal to Straumesundet bridge.
– They have the easy on the beaches and islets in parts of the Hjeltefjorden at Tjeldstø, without finding any, tells Rebnord.
Clock 07.40 tells operasjonslederen at the Western police district that they together with the joint rescue coordination centre has chosen to end the search on the basis of no one is reported missing in the area.
Last: At half past two notify the police that the fire department has control over fire, and working with ettersløkking in the factory which has been in full gear since early Saturday morning.
Evacuated neighbours
Naudetatane reputation out, and the fire department from the town’s surroundings came quickly to the place. They thought they had control of fire in morgontimane, but just before at eleven Saturday came the message that the fire blussa sharply up again, and that the four bustadar is evacuated in case the fire should spread.
- We will not take any chances. Because of the unknown amounts of ammonia in some refrigerator in fryselageret, want we to keep the people further away, says the police operasjonsleder Bengt Ness in ellevetida.
Ammonia is a fargelaus, toxic and combustible gas with stikkande smell, and the fire long in the new fryselageret where this gas would be.
- There have been some eksplosjonar at the place, and we have not a full overview of what is in there. Therefore the work crew to ensure the buildings, ” explains Kai Henning Myklebust by the police operasjonssentral just before the clockwise one.
Fire department worked for that the fire not spread, and there was tilkalla assistance from Brought.
Drunk guy
It was half past seven time Saturday morning that alarm in Sogn og Fjordane had the message that the Løkeland krabbefabrikk on the discussion herland on Atløy in Askvoll municipality was in full guy.
Myklebust by the police operasjonssentral tell that the building is divided into four, two new and two old parts, which have different damage.
- Part one, which consists of the old fryseriet, office, and fish, is totalskadd. Part two, which is the old produksjonslokalet, is also totalskadd. Part three, the new fryseriet, is partially damaged. And part four, the new produksjonslokalet, is still intact.
the Burn still: At half past eleven burn it still has in the new fryselageret in the factory. (Photo: Sandra Stølen)
Woke up by the sound
Kristian Tviberg and Andrine Aas Wie, who is on the romjulsferie in the area, there was a dramatic end to the year.
- We woke up by the sound. First thought we hagla violently out, but we found quickly out that the fire and called the fire department, says Andrine Aas Wie.
It is presently not known how the fire must have occurred.
Firda has been in contact with the owner of the krabbefabrikken, but he wishes not to comment on the incident.
the Ferry has gone in one
the Ferry which runs in the current Askvoll – Gjervik – Groove has been shuttling after the fire began, and has brought both brannfolk, brannutstyr, by programme land and police to the Atløy.
Ambulansebåten has also caught up out to the discussion herland.
– It’s nice to see that emergency preparedness and response works, and that naudetatane has come in place, even if we are on an island, ” says Sandra Stølen, which is the home for discussion herland on christmas holidays.
Sigurd Løkeland AS
Sigurd Løkeland as previously Sigurd Løkeland Cannery – owned
and run by the third generation of Løkeland.
Tor Løkeland is the managing director.
the Factory has been around since 1922, when Sigurd Løkeland established it.
According to the company did say the website is hovudproduktet in the day fresh, frozen and
canned crab.
the Company did write on their website that they have around 25 employees in the
the production phase for krabbeprodukta. The season stretching from august to april.
new year’s Eve is not a good day for pets. Many, especially dogs, fear of fireworks that are sent up.
Several hours before midnight marked this already on the police’s operasjonssentraler throughout the country. In the course of a relatively short period of time have different standings posted at least seven messages about dogs who are missing, were found along the road or run over.
“A number of dogs on a trip in the district. Scared of fireworks? Dog owners are encouraged to fit extra well on the animals in the hours ahead.” writes the police in Haugsund.
In the Skin in the Nordre Buskerud police district announces the “the terrified dog on the run.”
In Åmot, in the same distric has what is described as a brown australian terrier-like dog appeared at the door to a random person.
Also this is typical, according to operasjonsleder in Nordre Buskerud Thov Torsrud.
It is typical on a night like this that they become a bit frightened. They are sticking off and seek out random people to seek refuge. Some sticks also to the wood. There is reason to believe that that is the case here, he says to Dagbladet.
He says that there have been three messages on bortløpne dogs already, and it is hours before most of the missiles get fired up.
In Vestfossen centre is a small black and white dog with a flat nose found by a random person, on Nesodden is it gone worse, there is a dog found killed. Also on the Hill, on the Bismo, in: The and in Opp, there are messages about lost dogs.
In urban stråk, it has started to slam now, even if it mostly comes later, ” says Torsrud.
- Be together with the animals
do Not allow single animals to be alone is the advice from the Fsa on evenings like this.
Please, preferably in a room where it is shielded for the times and sounds, ” says Torunn Knævelsrud, head of the section animal welfare in the Norwegian food safety Authority to the NTB.
She emphasizes that many animals also have a tendency to walk away when they are afraid.
the Animals are at risk of being injured in traffic, and triggers the leteaksjoner, so make sure that neither dogs or cats can get out of the house when evening comes, says Knævelsrud.
She goes on to say that one of the most important things you as the owner can do is to help normalize the situation for the animal, for example, by breeze or by putting on the radio.
Nyttårsturen for ship C to the south along the coast, has been greatly delayed. The ship is on the way south on a special obvious nyttårstur, and was scheduled to go directly from Rørvik to Ålesund. Initially it was going to stop in Trondheim on the way south, but bad weather made that stopped in trønderhovudstaden was dropped yesterday evening.
– Weather off the coast of Trøndelag is simply so challenging, that the captain chose to turn the ship. Right now, it is unclear whether it goes further to Ålesund in the day or not, says communications manager Rune Thomas Ege.
That was It.now that the first sign of vêrproblema for “Richard With”.
the Norwegian Coastal voyage, is now on its way north to search sound at Rørvik.
Rune Thomas Ege says passengers who are met of the problems for the Norwegian coastal voyage, will be contacted.
Photo: Hurtigruten
To NRK says Ege that Hurtigruten through sine125 years in the traffic along the coast, have learned two things; first, that the weather no one can do something with, and for the others that vêrgudane one should not challenge.
It was precisely these vurderingane which meant that the captain chose to turn around, says Ege.
at the time Of writing, it is uncertain whether the “Richard With” get a complete nyttårsturen to Ålesund, and where it was supposed that the ship would be a little extra long at the quay in the evening.
There has not been any drama in the opinion to wait and see at Rørvik. But, naturally, there has been little behageleg for passasjerane with such rough seas, ” says Ege.
the Steamer considering no continuing throughout the afternoon on it again to try to come to Ålesund in the evening, or if nyttårsturen further from Rørvik is postponed until to-morrow.
the Phenomenon is called perlemorskyer, and was observed in several places on Fosen new year’s eve.
Rare sight
According to the statsmeteorolog Frode Hassel to NRK is this a relatively rare sight. The clouds are located high up in the atmosphere, as high as 25 to 30 kilometers.
Why perlemorskyene appeared on the Fosen new year’s eve is probably due to the strong wind that devastated the peninsula on Friday night. Phenomenon occurs, namely, often when the wind blows a lot in the lower level of the atmosphere.
Hard to see in the daylight
According to Hazel, it is easiest to see perlemorskyene a while before sunrise, possibly after sunset. They are difficult to see in full daylight, when the colors are blurred by the fact that the sky is brighter.
new year’s Eve, there were several who sent in photos of the beautiful clouds to the Fosna People. Many have also taken in use emneknaggen #fosnafolket on Instagram. A small handful of them you can see at the top of the case.
I have talked with the captain on board. They encountered worse weather than that which was notified when they came out on the Folda. It’s powerful winds and waves of between 12 and 15 metres out there. They therefore decided to turn around. We have sailed along the coast in 125 years, and the weather is not something we challenge, ” says ms. Rune Thomas Ege in the Steamer to it.no.
“Richard With” went from Rørvik Saturday morning, and decided last night not to go stop in Trondheim because the weather between Trondheim and Rørvik was so bad that it would create further delays. But when the ship came out of the ocean off the North-Trøndelag showed you that the trip across the open havstykket was too uncomfortable.
– There is no danger in the air, but I expect that those who are on board are not so comfortable right now. Therefore, it was decided to turn the nose back to Rørvik again, ” says Ege.
Hurtigruten “Richard With” selected to turn when they encountered strong winds and high waves on the Folda Saturday morning. Photos: a Facsimile from the www.marinetraffic.com
Unclear when they continues
It is thus unclear when the Hurtigruten ship “Richard With” will arrive in Ålesund at this nyttårsturen.
There has been a lot of delays this christmas in, but the weather is not something we can do with. We keep passengers on board informed, and will make decisions about the further route eventually when we know the weather will be. It will be provided information to guests who have already booked travel with the “Richard With” as soon as the situation is clarified, ” says Ege.
So it looked on the Folda Saturday afternoon. The image is from the webcam on board the “Richard With”. Photo: Hurtigruten
The shit I am in, the black mayor Oddvar Myklebust to the local newspaper.The chief councilor Ann-Heidi Paulsen Orvik in Sandøy got severance pay of 18 months when she went on the day. The agreement provides her closer to 1.3 million in just salary, without the pension income, vacation pay, and more included. The agreement sought the municipality to keep the secret, write Sunnmørsposten.
Several newspapers, including the Sunnmørsposten and the local newspaper the Northern, was still transparent in the final agreement. North asked Myklebust, though he was aware that there was a breach of Norwegian law to keep the agreement secret.
The shit I am in. We shall take care of the employers. What many think is me klinkande indifferent, ” said the mayor to the local newspaper.
What with Norway’s laws, was oppfølgingsspørsmålet.
– They are to brytas when they can brytas. It is like this only. When it is for a good purpose, violates them all together, both the prime minister, the Parliament and the government.
Myklebust stands for it and he answered and said he was not misquoted, but points out at the same time that he did not knowingly broke the law.
Before christmas, said the environment – and klimaminister Vidar Helgesen (H) no to ulvejakt in Hedmark . Rovviltnemdene had decided to take out the four ulveflokker in the county of Hedmark, and reacted sharply at the ministry said no.
A number of members in the party has opted out and Rovviltnemda put down his work in protest.
Opprørsstemningen is real. This is about important principles, such as respect for property ownership and enkeltmenneskets rights, ” says Kristian Tonning Riise to the class struggle.
Tonning Riise is the leader in the Young Right and Hedmark Right its meant ahead of parliamentary elections next year.
Nine buses to Oslo
the Minister Vidar Helgesen (H) had to endure strong criticism from his own after he said no to ulvejakt.
Photo: Johansen, Carina / NTB Scanpix
Vidar Helgesen has summoned to meeting of the states parties that is behind the ulveforliket (Right, Ap, Frp and KrF) the 4. January.
In connection with this meeting, a number of environments in Inland. It is being set up nine buses from different locations in Hedmark and Oppland, which will transport campaigners in Oslo.
– This is a celebration where residents, hunters, beitenæringa, landowners, friluftsfolk and mayors will ask, ” says Knut Arne Gjems in the NJFF County.
A pack of wolves at Osensjøen in the county of Hedmark.
Photo: Arne Nævra/Torgeir B. Land
It came as a surprise and provoked fierce reactions, that the environment – and klimaministeren said no to the planned ulvejakta. The plan was to take out 32 wolves in four ulveflokker in this County, but with ministerens no, it just lisensjakt in a total of 15 wolves, and only five in the County.
Not good with division in election year
Kristian Tonning Riise is concerned about the divisions this issue has led to in the Right.
– You have realised at the highest levels that this is a tricky issue for the party , and that the problem can be long lasting. No one wants to go into an election year with an open division of what we perceive as absolutely central Right values, ” says Kristian Tonning Riise.
prime Minister Erna Solberg went out and supported his minister after all the negative reactions.
Photo: Grøtt, Vegard Wivestad / NTB scanpix
Lovavdelingen in the ministry of Justice and public security decided that skadepotensialet not big enough for the four ulveflokker in Hedmark can be launched.
prime Minister Erna Solberg went out and supported his minister after the decision and believes they had no other choice than to say no to hunting, if they are to follow the rules in Bernkonvensjonen.
the Young Right-leader Kristian Tonning Riise says ulvedebatten now be taken at the highest level in the party for this County the Right powerful reaction to that climate and miljøministeren before christmas, said no to trap four ulveflokker.
– You have realised at the highest levels that this is a difficult issue for the party, and that the problem can be long lasting. No one wants to go into an election year with an open division of what we perceive as absolutely central Right values, ” says the head of Young Right and sentralstyremedlem in the Right, Kristian Tonning Riise, to the class struggle.
Lovavdelingen in the ministry of Justice and public security decided that skadepotensialet not big enough for the four ulveflokker in Hedmark can be launched, which created both joy and rage. In Hedmark the Right, several opted out of the party in protest.
– Opprørsstemningen is real. This is about important principles, such as respect for property ownership and enkeltmenneskets rights, ” says Riise.
Helgesen has summoned to the meeting of the parties to the Right, Ap, Frp and KrF, which is behind the ulveforliket, the 4. January.
a Little after at 5 Saturday morning came the confirmation from the police: the Fire in the asylmottaket Mandheimen in Rjukan is extinguished.
It burned vigorously in the roof and the upper floor in the old, heritage-listed murbygningen, at the same time as it was strong wind.
– Brannrester falls down from the building and down on the ground. There is a powerful shower of sparks over the nabohusene on the east side of the asylmottaket, said police operasjonsleder Vidar Aaltvedt to NRK in 1-time on the night of Saturday.
the Police feared a long time that the fire could spread to the nabohusene. There are many wooden houses in the surrounding area.
Built stands on the Unesco list of grade I listed buildings.
VIDEO: See pictures from the fire
VIDEO: See pictures from the fire
– No one was injured
” We have evacuated people from the 12 neighbouring house and all the residents on the asylmottaket. We are very confident that no one was injured in the fire, ” says Aaltvedt.
Police were first alerted about smoke in the fourth floor of the asylmottaket a few minutes after the clock 22 on Friday night.
Already when we began to evacuate the residents. Then it went almost an hour before the situation escalated and the fire broke out, tells operasjonslederen.
46 people on asylmottaket and 24 people in nabohusene were evacuated.
the ROOF BURNED: the Roof and the top floor of the building was burning strongly.
Photo: Ole Jon Tveito/Radio Rjukan
Got beds to evacuees
Tinn kommune earned berths to the residents who were evacuated.
We have collected the evacuees so that they have a place to sleep in the night, ” says Aaltvedt.
Also the Red Cross, helped to take care of those who were affected by the fire.
It is unknown how the fire started.
Mayor: – A tragedy of the commons
Mayor Bjørn Sverre Birkeland believes the fire at the grade ii listed building is a tragedy for the town of Rjukan.
Photo: Anne Lognvik / NRK
Mayor Bjørn Sverre Birkeland says to NRK that he is happy that no one was injured in the fire, but that it is a tragedy that the grade ii listed building has been lost. According to the plan, it should be used more million to renovate the building starting in January, to make Mandheimen so the building was when it was built in 1916.
It was built as a home for single men.
the town of Rjukan and Notoddens industrial history came on the Unesco world heritage site in 2015 and thus became Norway’s eighth world heritage site. It was Norsk Hydro’s plant for kunsgjødselproduksjonen that was the starting point for the application.
Neighbour: – Thought at first it was not so bad
Guro Tveit is one of the nearest neighbors to the Mandheimen. She says to NRK that she first not perceived the situation as very dramatic in the beginning.
It has been, in addition to the fire there before, and the first, so it’s not so bad. It looked like the fire department had control. The fire so first to be just a place on the top floor, and there was little smoke. Then it seemed as if it took the guy in the walls, and then suddenly, the building was overtent, said Guro Tveito to see in the night.
She believes the strong wind made the fire spread so quickly.
Just after midnight, got the emergency services message that it was heard cries for help from the sea. An extensive rescue operation was initiated.
There was a resident in the area Tjeldstø in Øygarden, who called into the message clock 0033.
– the Caller must have heard the clear cries for help from the sea, enlightened, Helge Lund at 110-pbx.
emergency Services are on site. Volunteer crews are called in to assist in the strandsøk and brannbåten and the Red Cross’s boat assisting in the search in the water. Also the Sea King helicopter is put into the search.
– Resident in the area stated that he has heard four cries for help. He has pointed out an area, and we have set in motion a rescue operation both on land and in the water, ” says operasjonsleder Bjarte Rebnord in the West standings.
– If others have heard the cries in the area, we want that they take contact with us, add Rebnord.
78-year-old was reported missing 1. christmas day and found dead at the Dønnem along the main road on the stretch between Batnfjordsøra and Torvikbukt. He has ties to Gjemnes, but lives somewhere else.
the Circumstances surrounding the death are still not clarified, despite the fact that it is made an autopsy, and we have taken etterforskningsskritt. We cannot rule out the possibility that it has happened something criminal. Therefore, we would like now is feedback from those who have been in the area, for example if they has been running along the road, in the current time period, ” says politifullmektig Anders Scab-Trøen in the county of Møre and Romsdal police district to the NTB.
the autopsy report gave no clear answer on what may have tilstøtt man. The police have no evidence that speaks for that a medical or other health-related reason may be linked to the death.
– Dropped in the stream
Earlier Gjemnes-mayor Johan Neergaard was 78-year-old on a visit before he disappeared. He says to meet the Requirements that he believes the man received an injury and fell in the creek before he was found dead in a manhole on the lower side of the main road.
– It is the most probable, ” says Neergaard.
We ask now that the Norwegian public roads administration to set up a mesh in front of the tube. Such accident can happen again when the stream goes large, for example with animals, believe Neergaard.
According to the newspaper is the tube that leads the water under the road is narrow, under a halvmeter in diameter. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine that a person can pass through.
Ask for tips
Police ask anyone who found themselves between Batnfjordsøra and Torvikbukt between the hours of 18.30 and 19.30 1. christmas day about to take contact.
the Man was going to go a relatively short distance from a residential building to another, but never came forward. He was wearing a reflective vest when he was found. It was set in motion a search group consisting after the police received a message that he was missed at 20.30 on Sunday evening. When had relatives already searched for him in a few hours, according to NRK.
It was relatively bad weather in the area on the evening of 1. christmas day with rain, wind and some snow.
Both the site, the preliminary autopsy report and the investigation makes the police cannot rule out the possibility that it has happened something punishable.
Politidistriktet have been in contact with Anders, but will until further notice continue the investigation on their own.
– If we contact Anders again, we will ask for both technical and tactical assistance, ” says the Crust-Trøen.
It burns still in an asylum in the town of Rjukan in Telemark. The reception and the twelve neighboring house is evacuated.
” the Fire has calmed down, but is not extinguished yet. It is no longer a risk of spreading, ” says operasjonsleder Vidar Aaltvedt in the South-East police district to the VG clock 03.30.
the Police received a message about smoke on the fourth floor of the building a little after the clock 22: 00 to Friday evening. An hour later, there were flames out of the chimney, and not long after there were visible flames on the fourth floor.
According to the Aaltvedt was not the fire discovered one time, and was probably developed when the fire department was there and looked for the source of smoke hazards.
the Fire department extinguished the still, but it is plundrete work. There is talk of an old house, with many small channels that the fire can hide in. It will probably take some time until the fire is extinguished, ” says Aaltvedt.
deployed under a false alarm is not yet known.
world heritage site
Powerful wind did slukningsarbeidet difficult. The clock 01.30 lit Aaltvedt that the fire in the asylmottaket Mandheimen had probably reached the top. When had the fire crew got assistance from the Kongsberg fire department.
It was dramatic a period of time. It was a very shower of sparks, and it fell a part brannrester from high Mannheimen and down on the neighboring house. Twelve neighboring house is evacuated, and three of them have received major water damage as a result of slukningsarbeidet. They were soaked to prevent it took the guy, ” says Aaltvedt.
There was one house that was very threatened, but it seems to have gone well. Now blowing it more, but brannrestene falls towards the branntomta, and not so much out towards the nabohusene that earlier in the night.
the Building is on Unesco’s world heritage list. Currently, it is unclear how large brannskadene is.
Nabobygninger evacuated
According to Telemarksavisa, there were only nine of the 16 residents present at the fourth floor when the fire broke out. Asylmottaket was quickly evacuated, and around the clock to 23: 00 notified the police that they had control on the residents. No one should be injured in the fire.
together is between 50 and 60 residents from asylmottaket, as well as 30 people from nabobebyggelse, evacuated. The evacuees are taken care of by the municipality. Tin the Red Cross has also contributed in the work to get placed evacuees from asylmottaket and nabohusene.
the Building was listed on Unesco’s world heritage list last summer, and in January was the effort to renovate the building to start. Several million would be used to make Mandheimen similar to what it was in 1916, the year it was finished as a home for single men.
This is a tragedy. The building was under renovation next year, ” says mayor Bjørn Sverre Birkeland to Rjukan Radio.
the town of Rjukan and Notoddens industrial history came on the Unesco world heritage site in July 2015 and thus became Norway’s eighth world heritage site. It was Norsk Hydro’s plant for kunstgjødselproduksjon at Notodden and Rjukan which was the starting point for the application.
see also: Fire in planned refugee reception centres in the county of Hordaland
IN the FULL GUY: Mandheim reception centre at Rjukan is in full guy. There is a strong wind in the area.
Photo: Radio Rjukan
Neighbor: – Very dramatic situation
Robert Jenbergsen live about 200 yards below asylmottaket. He said to VG just after the clock to 23: 00 that many came with, and that the police worked with to set up holds.
– It is a very dramatic situation. The whole building is on fire now, it has burned from top to bottom. The wind is blowing easterly strong wind against the buildings next door, so there is great danger of the spread. I saw it came spitting flames out of the exit door. It looks ugly out of this building now, ” said Jenbergsen.
He discovered the fire when he was inside his own living room.
– I have heat pumps, and all of a sudden pumped the smoke into the living room. Then I realized there was something wrong, said Jenbergsen.
SO what IT LOOKED like BEFORE the FIRE: so Mandheimen asylum out before the fire. The picture is from 2008.
David Andresen Vesteng, VG
Interactive graphics: This is asylbrannene that has shaken Sweden
In the first version of this story, the VG that it is about the two the reception which has burned at Rjukan. The correct is that one receipt in the area burns.
IN the FULL GUY: Mandheim reception centre at Rjukan is in full guy. There is a strong wind in the area.
Photo: Radio Rjukan
IN the FULL GUY: Mandheim reception centre at Rjukan is in full guy. There is a strong wind in the area.
Police are investigating a suspicious death in Gjemnes on the Coast where a 78-year-old man was found dead outdoors 1. christmas day.
the Man was reported missing on the evening of 1. on christmas day, and after a search group consisting of 30 people involved, he was found dead later the same night, according to Romsdals Budstikke .
– Had reflective vest
He was wearing a reflective vest when he was found, writes the police in the county of Møre and Romsdal in a press release.
the Police can not rule out the possibility that something criminal has happened.
After the preliminary autopsy report and some etterforskningsgrep is the circumstances surrounding the death is still unresolved. Therefore we can not rule out the possibility that it has happened something criminal, ” says politifullmektig Anders Scab-Trøen to Adresseavisen.
– Unresolved circumstances
the Man has ties to Gjemnes, but live somewhere else in the country, informs the police to the Impulses.
the Police says that the man was found by Dønnem, along route 666, on the stretch between Batnfjordøra and Torvikbukt in Gjemnes municipality.
It is an agricultural area that is sparsely populated. The police have been informed that the man was walking along the road, ” says politifullmektig Anders Scab-Trøen to Adresseavisen.
Was the man found near the road?
– We can’t go into detail on it yet, ” says the Crust-Trøen.
Want to have contact with anyone who was in the area
the Police want tips in the case, and want to get in touch with all the people that was moving between the Batnfjord and Torvikbukt 1. christmas day between at 18.30 and 19.30.
It is also important to get feedback from people who have been in the area and not seen anything, emphasizes politifullmektigen.
Follow the Impulses on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter .
Mayor Oddvar Myklebust (Ap) would keep the severance package secret. When he was confronted with the issue he stated that “English law is to be broken”.
After the chief councilor in Sandy, Ann-Heidi Paulsen Orvik, went on the day she got with severance pay for 18 months. The ceo, which corresponds to approximately 1.6 million according to the newspaper the North, is not affected though she may get a new job in the period.
the Newspaper Sunnmørsposten writes that rådmannen quit after what was described as a conflict in the municipality. The public version is that the parties came to an agreement to terminate the employment relationship.
the Agreement, which dealt with the Paulsen Orviks severance package also meant that the amount she was awarded was to be kept away from the public.
Both the newspaper the Northern and Sunnmørsposten searched for access in the sluttpakken on the basis of the public enterprises act. When the application for access came to Sandøy municipality was the first off. The newspapers complained about the refusal, as was the County governor of Møre and Romsdal the case. Only a short time after dumped rådmannens sluttavtale down on the inbox.
Read? Ex-mayor with a “just right” against a private party
the Mayor about the law: – to be broken
When the newspaper the North confronted the mayor Oddvar Myklebust about why the final agreement was held back for the public and that it is a violation of the law, they got the following response:
“The driter I. We shall take care of the employers. What the newspaper believes, is to me abundantly indifferent”.
the Reporter asked whether the mayor Myklebust knowingly violate the law.
– They are to be broken when they can be broken. That is how it is. When it is for a good cause, violates the it all together, both the prime minister, the Parliament and the government. There is something called self defence in a few seconds.
Mayor Oddvar Myklebust says to VG that the statements were as they were because the newspaper deliberately trying to create major headlines, and that it was not the intention to avoid the public after it was informed about the agreement at a group meeting in the municipality.
the Journalist is looking to make big headlines, ” says the mayor to VG about why he ordla themselves in this way and adds:
It came a bit out of control, and it is not the first time.
the Mayor forgot to turn off the microphone: – It is the only b.s. meters
Would inform the first
Myklebust has been the mayor in Sandøy municipality in the three periods. He clarifies that he is not deliberately want to break the law, but that they wanted to inform their own before the matter came out in the media. On the question whether he knows on a particular responsibility as the mayor, he says that he does not intend to circumvent the law.
“We know the public and know that it is important,” says mayor Myklebust to the VG.
Editor Robin Røkke in the local newspaper the Northern states to the Sunnmørsposten that the mayor is free to believe that the questions of the newspaper is rogue.
– We ask the questions we believe are, in turn, interesting. Transparency in public administration is one of the most important thing the press can work for. Only that way can we avoid the abuses of power, corruption, sloppiness and nepotism, ” says Røkke to Sunnmørsposten.
To the VG adds that he is not looking to make headlines for overskriftens sake.
” We’re trying to create a current local newspaper with real news. It is a measure for the local press to gain insight into what happens in the public sector. I can understand that it is unpleasant that we keep on writing about things like this. But if it can not withstand the light of day, so I think that they should put on the agreement itself. The public has a right to know what agreements are signed, ” says Røkke and add:
– We write only the facts, we can’t find on the things. I think it is worse if the mayor is delighted with everything we write in the local newspaper.
see also: Former mayor will be reviewed for threats of violence
(Dagbladet): – It was at the very last minute. It had probably been hit as it was dark, it was not easy to see where it was, ” says team leader Kai Espen Feed which together with the brannmannkollega Kai Henning Velund rescued a selunge that had strayed out of the road on highway 44 in Flekkefjord Friday.
It was regionsavisen Lister24 which first reported about the special mission of the Flekkefjord departments. 110 Agder notified about the incident on Twitter at 15.20.
WAS TAKEN care OF: When they found themselves lost out on the road it’s good to have someone who can rescue you. Photo: Flekkefjord fire fighters Show more
Turned out
Feed tells us that the Friday afternoon happened to be on a mission together with Viltnemnda, as some had tipped off the harness that needed help along the road.
Then jerked the with the fire truck to the site.
We were with Viltnemnda to the place. When it appeared that the harness would out on the road for one reason or another, ” says underbrannmesteren, which tells us that the small selenium created a little traffic jam.
Wanton in the fire engine
the firefighters lifted selungen up and leave it in a suitable black box. Then got selungen his first road trip, even with a fire truck, many small child’s big dream.
the Harness was a bit wanton to begin with, in the car, says the Feed, which went to a beach in the municipality which is not being used as much at this time of year.
WOULD BE ON the LAND: Selungen did not want to swim to sea. It would rather be on land. Photo: Flekkefjord fire fighters Show more
It would not be out in the ocean when we tried to drop it out there, so we leave it under a tree in the grass close by, ” says Feed, that tells the firemen to check if it’s still there in the morning.
Why on the road?
One of the brannmenne tried to google out why the harness searched up on the country.
FINALLY: On this lawn had a selungen well. Photo: Flekkefjord fire fighters Show more
We wondered at first if it was sick, but one of the guys googled a bit and found out that the baby seals this time of year often separated with their mothers. When they are searching certain enough up on land to sleep, says the Feed.
Maybe the instincts would have on land, but that it chose a bit the wrong place to go up, says the Feed, which tells that it looked quite good and that it is not so emaciated.
- May be dying
Arne Bjørge, who leads a forskerutvalg about marine mammals at The institute of marine research and is an expert on seals, says this can be to talk about a little dyretragedie.
He believes that harness the most sannynlig is a grey seal that has come away from its mother.
And then, it has not received a milk, ” says Bjørge, which seems that it looks pretty emaciated in the pictures. He also says that looks like there is something wrong with the harness because a grey seal will wear a white ungepels.
- It can be a steinkobbeunge, but then it is born out of the time of year where they usually are born, which is in June, around Midsummer, ” says Bjørge.
It has probably crawled up on land because it is bad. Without the mother it will drown, ” says seleksperten, who believe that selenium may be dying and that it would be wise if someone contacts a dyrelege. Dagbladet has make the fire department aware of this, which says they will contact with local expertise.
I did now know that haverten and steinkobberunge at this time of the year does not depend on his mother, but we should take a trip to see how it has gone with it in the morning, ” says the fireman Feed to Dagbladet at 18.50 time.
ON BEHALF: Redaksjonssjef CHANNELS in NRK P3m Håkon Moslet, accepted the award on behalf of “Shame”-creates Julie Andem. Photo: Adrian Mills Haugan (the media house))
Hailed as a unique storyteller who is fully fascinated by the life teenagers live today.
The Norwegian meteorological institute has sent out a NOTE warning for several counties along the coast, between the second Møre and Romsdal and Sogn and Fjordane.
Friday and the first part of Saturday is expected to be the major nedbørmengder in Western norway south of Stad. Friday and Saturday is expected a strong wind in the county of Møre and Romsdal and Trøndelag, type yr.no.
Several boats are set until further notice because of the storm:
Hareidruta, which runs between Hareid, Valderøya and Ålesund.
Nordøyruta, which runs between Ålesund and Harøya.
Langevågruta, which runs between Langevågen and Ålesund.
Southbound fast passenger ferry from Selje to Bergen are delayed because of the weather conditions, opt Norled.
Regnværet has created problems in several places. In Ålesund, the fire department had to pump out water from several flooded buildings, and they encourage people to check the drains around their houses, to avoid that water penetrates into. Among other things, can the leaves prevent the water given free passage in slukene.
do you Have tips about the weather, the closed routes or roads? Send to 95400400 / internett@smp.no
Sunndalsøra was measured 18,1 degrees, which is the highest temperature that is registered in Norway in the end of December, writes Adresseavisen.
It was warm fønvinder that sent the temperature right out of the sky in the region. The night temperature is only 0,2 degrees from varmerekorden for December for the counties of Møre and Romsdal. 1. December 1998 was recorded for 18.3 degrees at Sunndalsøra.
Also in other places in the county, it was the night of Friday measured very high temperatures to the time of year to be. In Tafjord was registered 16,8 degrees, Marstein had 16,3 degrees, Valldal to 14.4 degrees and Linge 14,3 degrees.
The lowest temperature in the country on the night of Friday was measured at minus 8,2 degrees in Høydalsmo in Telemark.
the Weather also did antics win where the warm air in the hill beat down in the lowlands in some places and led to violent temperaturstigninger in record time. As in Nesbyen where the temperature jumped up ten degrees at a time.
risk of avalanche
The last few weeks have been a series of warnings from various bodies about both the powerful winds, high waves soil and avalanches and heavy rainfall.
Road 691 in the Gloppen municipality in Sogn and Fjordane was on Friday closed at Ommedal because of the landslide.
in the North, is it avalanches it is about. Friday is expected to be heavy rainfall, up to 70 millimeters in a day, mostly at Helgeland. The Norwegian water resources and energy directorate (nve) think it will go avalanches at the steep hang in Nordland south of Bodø on Friday and Saturday.
Cautious.now ask the audience to stay away from the skredterreng (steeper than 30 degrees) and utløpssoner for avalanche. There is also the danger that large naturally triggered avalanches can occur and are now down to the roads and buildings.
Current run
A number of hurtigbåtavganger of the county is set Friday morning. The worst of it is, in Nord-Trøndelag, where several travelers have to stay on to alternative transport. Also hurtigbåtavgangen from Trondheim to Kristiansund was set Friday morning, writes Adresseavisen.
In Nord-Trøndelag, the northernmost municipality of Lecah started the ferry between the island and the mainland to go Friday morning, after the first two departures were set.
- It was up in full storm on the ferry on the Skei in the morning, ” says seaman Frode Feathers on the ferry that runs between Skei and Gutvik.
the Ferry runs as long as the weather permits, but it may stop again in the afternoon.
- We see an throughout the day. The wind should pick up again in the afternoon. Is there anyone that has thought above, we recommend to use the time in the morning, ” says Feather.
It blows up to the minute to full storm on the coast on the night of new year’s eve.