Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Yet consensus national absence limit – VG

The government parties, Labor and the Center Party is still agreed that it will introduce a national absence limit in high school.

Last month underwent numerous students at secondary schools on strike, after news of the government’s new absence-rule: if a student has at least ten percent invalid absences in a course – there will be no grade for the course.

Last week sat still Ap an end for want of that absence boundaries should be drawn at 10 percent.

But Tuesday was the Conservatives, the Progress Party, Center Party and the Labor Party agreed a compromise when the case was submitted by the education Committee: Conduct a pilot project to be accompanied of research, and to be evaluated after three years.

– It will be a national absence limit. It’s majority in Parliament for that, says Conservative school policy spokesman Kent Gudmundsen, VG.

But what the new absence limit is, is still not entirely clear.

– What is important is that the minister has received backing to narrow the limit today, and it will now open negotiations on where this line should go. I would not be surprised if it hits 15 percent, says Gudmundsen.

– Ten percent of rigid

– This is first and foremost a good news for schools Norway, believes the Conservative school policy spokesman.

– the regulation created much debate and opposition alleged that the limit of ten percent was too rigid. What has happened now is a compromise, and the important thing is that the limit of a fraværsgrense- that principle is safeguarded, he said.

Proposed 15 percent

– Parliament is not involved in micromanagement. We give now backing the minister may introduce a national absence limit and in dialogue with the sector to find out how this can best be organized. The majority refers to the Education Association’s proposal, said rapporteur Gudmundsen said.

This proposal has previously been introduced as a compromise. Education Association proposed a limit of 15 percent and an opportunity for local discretion in specific cases.

– I am very pleased that we now from Parliament announces that the truancy is not acceptable and that we now can provide Norwegian teachers a tool they’ve been looking for a long time, says Gudmundsen.

FRP: – Possible to carry from autumn

– I am pleased that we are now in goal and has been adopted a national absence limit on a trial basis over three years. We have not defined any percentages, but believes Education Association’s proposal of 15 percent is a good starting point, says Bente Thorsen (FRP) VG. She thinks it should be feasible to introduce this next autumn. But it is now up to the ministry to find out.

Read also : Right agreed to absence solution Ap pointed

Giske: – rarely that Parliament stops a regulation

– it is rare that Parliament stops a regulation of the Minister and sends the case back this way, but in this case it was necessary , says manager Trond Giske in Parliament’s education committee to VG.

See also: Trond Giske is Parliamentary school absences king

He now believes that a more flexible absence limit should be tested, where students such as going awry early in the school year must have the chance to get back on track without losing the character of a subject.

Therefore as he backed and Labor together with Sp , right and Progress Party a proposal to try out a new absence limit for three years as the ministry must come back with details on.

See also: Rector feels used by Giske

Lektorlag: brilliant happy

– We are delighted that Parliament still has realized that it is time for an absence limit. Half of our members have felt compelled to put character without adequate grounds, says Rita Helgesen who leads Norwegian lektorlag, adding that she thinks a limit of 15 percent sounds like a reasonable compromise proposal.


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