Thursday, June 2, 2016

Rebuke Sylvi Listhaug – Dagsavisen


– When Labor and Parliament making significant efforts to bring about changes in the immigration policy, we risk that all the work is a waste when Sylvi Listhaug on behalf of Norway travel around the world and creates an impression that asylum policy is more liberal and more liberal than neighboring countries. Although it is wrong, it can do great harm, says Labour’s Helga Pedersen.


At the same sitting parliamentary parties in the final stages of negotiations on the tightening in Norwegian asylum policy, immigration minister Sylvi Listhaug traveling in Sicily in Italy to see how Italy handle the increased arrivals of asylum seekers.


On his journey, she has a number of media commented that if Parliament does not go in for exactly the government proposes, Norway will emerge as a liberal and attractive country for asylum seekers.


– The allegations are incorrect. The Parliament is going to do next week is to adopt significant tightening in Norwegian asylum policy. We should have a regulatory framework that ensures control over the borders and making sure we are not pointing us out and become attractive to asylum seekers without protection. But this helps little if Listhaug now creates an impression that this is a liberalization, says Pedersen.


See also: UN: Listhaug proposal violates the Convention


Lets not intimidated


The parties in Parliament is scheduled to submit its report on Friday. The parties agree the most, since it is a follow up of asylum settlement, but especially two points there is considerable disagreement about: A strict requirements for work and income for a family reunion and temporary residence for minors under 16 years.


The government’s proposal is outside the settlement, claiming the opposition, while the Progress Party, with Listhaug in the lead, thinks it is absolutely necessary austerity measures.


– We stand by asylum Settlement but oppose proposals that are beyond this because it affects the integration and that the government has not been able to document that the proposals will have a significant effect. Ap promotes an alternative proposal for tighter rules on family reunification that we believe is better, says Pedersen.


After the Dagsavisen experience from negotiations has long been an impression that it is “wine driving” – ie Ap and Sp form a majority against the government with the Christian Democrats and the Liberals on these points, but completely in the run, the situation is less clear. The question is whether the centrist parties still want to find together with the governing parties.


– Tries Listhaug putting pressure on parliamentary proceedings?


– I will not venture me into speculation, but it does not impress Ap. We have an evidence-based approach to the proposals, says Pedersen.


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Uncomfortable Truth


Listhaug scoffs Pedersen criticism.


– When Ap allowing for family reunion during the first three months for all those granted protection, this is more liberal than Sweden’s proposal. If Pedersen find it uncomfortable that we tell the truth, they should vote for our suggestions, or promoting stricter proposals than our neighboring countries, writes Listhaug in an e-mail Dagsavisen.


She is still traveling in Italy, and writes that her visit there and in Greece earlier this year confirms that Norway signals of a stricter asylum policy has reached out. She repeats however argument Pedersen criticizes:


– Norway is less attractive. This is what parliamentary majority might change so that we again appear more attractive. We saw the same after Labor invited 10,000 at its national congress last year, says Listhaug.


In particular, it concerns Listhaug that government gets majority against in the tightening of unaccompanied asylum seekers:


– In Italy they see now a marked increase in the number of unaccompanied minors who are traveling from the African continent. I really hope Parliament understands the seriousness of the situation, and tighten enough to asylum policy. I am afraid that now relaxes due to low arrivals, but pressure on Europe come by all appearances to continue for years to come. I am afraid that the Labor Party and the parliamentary majority have not acted on this, says Listhaug.


Read also: Asylum proposal: – The government is not free to break the law


“What Parliament adopts and will not have a major impact on Norway emerges as a strict or liberal country.” (Progress website)


“Dei victory here in Pozzallo that there is a sharp increase in minors who are sent here. We know that this is a group that has a good chance to join, and Norway is EiT attractive country for them. I am very uroa that it seems that the Parliament is not going to decision mitigation payment for eins doctor minors. ” (NRK)


“I’m glad to right that random behavior who prefer to Norway has declined involves comparing with last year, and it’s about what signal is output. This Marknaden is ruled by political signal ein is liberal or strict. “ (NRK)


“Labor has proposed a less strict family policy than Sweden. When we see what conditions it is in Sweden, there is cause for concern. ” (Manager)


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