Friday, June 10, 2016

Police Directorate will look at guidelines for a passport again after criticism – Dagsavisen


Dagsavisen was the first to write about the problems the new rules create. The rules sharpens requirement of what information is credible enough that Norway will put it into the passport. 31 countries – most of them in Asia and Africa – in the list of countries where information on place of birth can not be controlled well enough. This gives people who are born in these countries, passports with “birthplace unknown,” although today they may have a Norwegian passport with correct birthplace.


The practice was changed after the National Police Directorate (POD) issued a circular in March. After receiving criticism from several quarters, including Adopsjonsforum and parents adopåterte, said Police Directorate that they regret the uncertainty and any problems the amended guidelines for introducing birthplace in passports has created.


Thursday informs POD that they will see the circular again.


See also: Entry into the United States are hard


– intervention


Andenæs react and believe the scheme will be legally tried, writes the class struggle.


– This is so restrictive that everyone understands that it should have been the subject of a public consultation process. It may appear that the Administration Act requirements for procedural rather not followed in this case, the professor says.


People who are listed with unknown place of birth in the passport, may have problems with entry visas and to a number of countries, including China and the United States.


– Have Police Directorate itself has taken this initiative or is the result of a political process? This is unclear, and it helps to weaken Police Directorate credibility, he said.


Unfortunate consequences


In a statement released Thursday says the Police Directorate that they have since seen that the change may have some undesirable consequences, and the Directorate will now consider whether the problems surrounding the birthplace can be solved in a better way.


“Until any happening, continuing current practice. POD will also offer organizations that safeguard the interests involved, a meeting to get their input and views, “says the message.


Already issued passports are valid for the period indicated in the passport. Those who have valid passports, do not need to renew it before the expiry date stated POD.




Those who can not document the birthplace unsatisfactory, at worst denied passports, Dagsavisen. The new rules may also have consequences for people who are adopted to Norway.


– This can affect 20,000 adopted children with Norwegian citizenship, says Øystein Gudim leader in Adopsjonsforum.


– Several adopted have not birth certificate of birthplace, and it is not possible to be issued with this.


Adopsjonsforum and association Children of the World has been contacted by several parents who says that children have trouble renewing passport. Although they have previously had a valid passport with information on place of birth and country of origin, they are now being denied issuance of a new passport. (NTB)


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