Friday, June 10, 2016

Pleasure driven on reefs off Freya: – Adresseavisen

– Sea King one is promoting at this moment, and so is also an ambulance on the way. The three were taken aboard a fish farming boat and taken to land on Ørnflaugvåg. Retrieves the reach of helicopters, said rescue leader Eirik Walle at JRCC Sor-Trondelag clock 19.20.

Police report that one is severely injured, one is slightly injured and one is unscathed. All three are conscious and all transported to St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim, reports the just before 20.

There is talk of an aluminum outboard motor and it is unclear why the accident happened.

Three people involved

“Emergency message about accident with yachting Frøya. a boat with three people going riding on a cutting. unknown amount of damage yet,” reported police Twitter clock 18.35.

– we have been informed that there will be two injured people but we do not know how serious it is. Sea King is traveling beyond to retrieve them from the reef they sit on, said operations manager Ebbe Kimo clock 18.45.

– Assuming high speed

According Redningsskøyta Horn Flyer, which is on way to the site, said the accident happened at Bukkøy.

– Pleasure aground on reefs, northwest of Freya. Three people aboard, some injured. Helicopters and boats on their way. HRS coordinates, wrote JRCC in Southern Norway in a first message on Twitter.

– People from other boats have arrived. We assume that they could be seriously injured. It may look as if they have hit the reef at high speed, said rescue leader Eirik Walle Adresseavisen around the clock 19.


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