Monday, June 13, 2016

Parliament rejected postponing finanstilsynssak – iTromsø

The case is thus as planned considered in parliament Monday. The Centre received support only from SV and the Green Party in calling for postponement. A representative suggestions from KrF to adjourn the case pending a legal opinion fell during Friday’s voting, which party Monday took the consequences.

Vedum think both Parliament’s consideration of this matter and the matter content speaks for postponement.

– It is very heavy objections that should be examined before making a decision, said Vedum.

The government’s proposal involving the EFTA Surveillance Authority has the task of checking that the Norwegian financial comply with EU rules.

But Vedum believes there will be no “real reviews” linked to decisions affecting Norway, because there is “one man in ESA” that will do the job. Therefore decisions only “clean copies of the EU’s ratings,” according to Q-manager. (© NTB)


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