Thursday, June 2, 2016

In NIGHT: Fire at communities – police believe the fire is fitted – Telemarksavisa

PORSGRUNN: The fire department quickly got control of a fire on a homeshare in Porsgrunn, on Thursday morning. Police believe the fire is applied.

Residents and staff at an institution in the black eye hook in Porsgrunn was night Thursday evacuated when there was a fire on the premises. Emergency services received notice of the fire at 1:40 o’clock and came out of the place.

– FIRE WAS pounded

The police have reason to believe that the fire was intentional, and they also have a suspect in the case. Operations Terje Pedersen at South East Police informs TA that it is one of the residents of the institution that is suspect. This person is now cared for by health professionals.

11 had to be evacuated

There are twelve residents registered at the address. Eleven of them were present when the fire broke out in the night to Thursday, in addition to three employees.

The fire department should have quickly gained control of the fire, and no one was hurt, said police operations manager. A bit later, residents move back into their apartments in the building.

The fire should have been restricted to a smaller area on the outside of the building’s walls.


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