Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Holmås and Solhjell says no to reelection – Solhjell finished Norwegian politics – NRK

– I have worked with politics full time for 16 years. I feel it’s time for something else. SV needs renovation and I need a change, says Solhjell NRK.

– We need new people and I’ve been in so many years. There are many smart, young people are prepared, and this is one such change that all parties should be through now and then.

It was Aftenposten which first reported the news that the former Minister of Environment Minister thank you for taking the policy.

Solhjell SV exit comes as another of the party profiles, Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås, says he will not stand for re-election as Member of Parliament.

Lars Nehru Sand, political commentator for NRK, says it is not surprising that two who were ministers during the coalition era now choose not to continue for a further four years after the next election.

– they feel enough that they have been involved in a project that is now finished . More than half of the parliamentary group will continue, so there is continuity in the SV series, he said.

– But it is clear that this is significant profiles SV having to replace.

the article continues below the video

the party needs time to herself

For Norwegian NATO -membership

in October last year announced Solhjell he resigned as deputy chairman of the Socialist Party after eight years due to lack of motivation, but said that he still got to continue as a representative in Parliament for SV, and that he would represent the party in a variety of contexts. He was previously the Minister of Environment and Minister under the coalition government.

For Aftenposten says Solhjell that he also is for Norwegian NATO membership and that he was highly critical of the SV National Board its resolution under Ukraine crisis as not contained criticism of Russia. The former deputy leader did not hide that this sometimes has been problematic and led to discussions within the party, but stresses that he has enjoyed with these debates.

– I prefer me not because of that. SV has been an extremely stimulating place and given me wonderful opportunities in life. I will continue both voice SV and be a member of SV, says Solhjell said.

Holmås will provide space for women

Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås was elected to Parliament in 2001 and was Development in eighteen months until the change of government in 2013. He believes that it is important that SW get more women in Parliament and therefore part of the parliamentary seats they have.

– it’s fantastic fun and meaningful to have been represented SV in Parliament and in government for 16 years. I am grateful for the confidence I have been shown, and I’m going to continue the political stakes, although I give myself at Parliament, says he said.

Both Bård Vegar Solhjell and Holmås were candidates for party leader enlisted Kristin Halvorsen began in 2012, when the party chose to endorse the Audun Lysbakken.

– Generational short time

last month also announced Solhjell successor as deputy of the party, Snorre Valen, that neither he does not re-elected as Member of Parliament.

he will continue to be to lead SW of Trondheim, and build the party from below, not in the TV duels, he said in a statement.

– This means that SV must complete a fairly extensive generational in a short time, and find new candidates for the parliamentary seats, says Lars Nehru Sand.


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