Sunday, June 5, 2016

Dead person found in Heddalsvatnet – NRK

It was at 16.20 Sunday afternoon that police Telemark got a message from a man who was out and paddled in Heddalsvatnet.

– When he had found a dead person, said operations at police in Oslo, Jan Olaf Jansen.

The police are on site with patrol and engaged in crime scene investigation.

– We do not know much yet, but everything indicates that he has been on instead a while, says Jansen.

Operations notes that the police have not yet identified the body.

In September, a Polish man reported missing from Notodden, and it was completed search operations in Heddalsvatnet, river Heddøla, and in large parts of the municipality. The man was never found. Police would not yet conclude that these matters have no connection.

– We see the up against the case, we undertake the necessary investigations with a view descriptions, but we can not say with certainty that it is the people. But we are also broad otherwise, says operations.

Police would not comment on how the scene where a body was found looked like, but he says that it was cast.

Police Telemark investigating the case further, both technically and tactically.

NRK update case.


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