Monday, June 13, 2016

BUP uses coercive measures without notifying the authorities – NRK

The last two years are mechanical restraints used on teenagers than 300 times, according to a survey the newspaper has done. Last year the figure was at least 85, but only four cases were reported to national health authorities, such institutions are required.

– We were aware that the authorities of the use of force was not precise, but it is alarming that underreporting from BUP one is so high. Here exposed children for some of the most integrity-violating one might imagine, and so do not have health overview, says ombudsman Anne Lindboe VG. She wants belt beds out of child and adolescent psychiatry for good.

Health Directorate and the Norwegian Patient Register (NPR) admits that there are major deficiencies in the figures and says that health for several years is asked to rectify the lack of reporting.

BUP Ahus, which are among the institutions that most often use coercion, state that they have had “registration technical challenges in our electronic medical record system that makes that we have not registered our decisions in the electronic format NPR retrieves data. “


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