Friday, June 10, 2016

- Adds Norway fallow – Dagsavisen

During the parliamentary debate on the wolf Monday, it was not held their fire from wolf opposing side. They stood in line to condemn wolf in sometimes sharp terms.

As Dagsavisen wrote yesterday, ended the vote with a weakening of the wolf nurtured in Norway, including through a significant shrinkage of the wolf zone.

– Have them around your feet

Labor were among parties secured a majority for tightening. Party Knut Storberget took the floor to depict everyday life in areas with wolves in Eastern Valleys.

– People experiencing now realize that they have them around his legs. There are many animals, oriented Storberget.

Also Geir Pollestad (Sp) told about aggressive wolf.

– It’s about families who have wolf slinking around the house, he stated.

Morten Ørsal Johansen (FRP) informed even more assertive wolves.

– When we claim that wolves take a trip into a sheepfold and taking sheep and drags it out, is we ignorant, but we’ve seen it myself, he assured.

Also Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen (H) is personally affected.

– last week we were visited by the wolf a few hundred meters from where I live in a development, and it is not just sheep farmers who may be anxious, but also the rest of us, she admitted.

– Norway laid fallow

the consequences of wolf behavior is dramatic, could several representatives also disclose.

– There is no doubt that Norway be left abandoned wolves establish territory, told Gunnar Gundersen (H).

– When the wolf establishes turf, it dramatically. All grazing industry ceases, hunting and other uncultivated land use change greatly, dogs taken – I’ve even seen old hare hunters cry over lost dog and hobby. Now everything away from my area. Outlying areas laid fallow. Many feel fear, it might not be rational, but it is real, he also said.

Storberget could supplement.

– We also know that what has been people’s livelihoods in a large part of Norway, in fact swept away by the decisions that have been made to wolf management, he said.

Rigmor Aasrud ​​(Labor has committed similar experiences.

– I have traveled extensively in Gudbrandsdalen in recent years, and I have met farmers who have had to give up animal husbandry because of predators. It’s pretty tough to meet them, go behind the barn and see piles of sheep lying there, which is torn killed by predators.

There is no better south in Norway, according to Odd Omland (Ap).

– Vest-Agder, where I come from, belongs to the wolf-free zone. Anyway more transient individuals come in recent years and each year made great harm, to the dismay of industries.

Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Q) also had their say in this.

– It has been dramatic for those who live in wolf zone in my constituency. People have had their lives totally, of having used the outlying areas as a livelihood, as a recreational pathway and which has been defining for your entire life, that it’s been taken from them.

– Incredibly happy

Last winter was recorded 65-68 wolves who only lived in Norway, according Rovdata. Morten Ørsal Johansen (FRP) are among many members of parliament who want there to be fewer wolves.

– There I am very happy, is admitted to the representative Elvestuen and his clarification, which he repeatedly says this settlement will lead to a reduction of wolf populations. I’m incredibly pleased with, it has been the Progress intention in this matter and we have managed it, cheered Johansen.

– Extremely high risk

Said Elvestuen, with the first name Ola ( V), was one of the few who spoke wolf issue.

– Wolves belong in Norwegian nature. It was listed in 1973. It is still critically threatened with extinction on the Norwegian Red List of species. Any decline in population goals or wolf zones will increase the chance that wolves exterminated from Norwegian nature, he warned.

Climate and Environment Minister Vidar Helgesen (H) expressed themselves if possible even clearer about this.

– Norway has Berne Convention an obligation to ensure the survival of all the major predator species in Norwegian nature. Wolves are protected in Norway, and it is critically endangered in this country. The risk that it may die out in Norway is extremely high.

Rasmus Hansson (MDGs) called for a recognition of the wolf’s place in Norway.

– No drepne

– the only solution to Norwegian wolf policy is that we will soon get used to that wolves are part of this country and find solutions that are based on it, not on trying to keep the species so close to extinction as possible, said Hansson.

SV Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås looked ahead on their own behalf.

– If you are lucky enough to go walking in the woods and going to a water and see a wolf watching you, have you experienced nature’s blessing. I’ve never seen wolves in reality, even this majority decreases the chances that I will do it. There I experience as a loss.

sveinung rotevatn (V) took the story to help.

– The representative Gundersen ever has me for advice on what he should say to those who are afraid to go out because the wolf is out there no. A proposal to the be to say that no one has vortne drepne of wolves in this country since the heitte Denmark-Norway.

Rotevatn also had something to say about the parliamentary debate.

– I have to say he has Vore EiT sad sight. A highly endangered species should parliamentary fleirtalet no out and hunt, not because ein have something academic basis for it, not because the government has proposed it, but because ein have allowed conspiracy theories facility and a høglydt minority get forkøyrsrett.

– it will be interesting to see not only the Norwegian, but also the international reaction when faced with the consequences of the decision being made, if it is followed up with the shooting down it opens, commented Elvestuen.


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