Thursday, June 30, 2016

Norwegian collects air passenger tax – NRK

Norwegian collect the contribution of 88 million for domestic flights and 80 million for foreign travel, reports Aftenposten.

The airline would initially deduct the amount directly from their customers’ bank or credit card, it same card customers used to pay your journey with. It got Consumer Ombudsman to react, and now comes the fee in the form of a invoice for those who were not charged for the amount when they originally paid trip.

– This is not money Norwegian shall have five cents off. We require this money on behalf of the state and would very gladly have done without task “Collection Agency” for the state, says press officer Daniel Kirchhoff in Norwegian.

Greater dissatisfaction

many passengers who have received such demands have taken the comments of Norwegian’s Facebook page in use and expressed their dissatisfaction with the requirement.

most people react negatively to the Norwegian requesting money on travel booked and paid before 1 . June but completed after this date.

the airline states that the tax is introduced retroactively and therefore to claim the amount.

SAS requires not enter

Knut Morten Johansen of SAS.

Photo: Knut Løvstuhagen / SAS

SAS however has no plans to for invoiced air passenger tax.

The company’s CIO Knut Morten Johansen says the online newspaper that there are transaction costs associated with billing an amount of 88 million and that it is therefore not economically worthwhile for SAS to demand it.


Schoolchildren get too little swimming training – Fædrelandsvennen

Under halvparten av førsteklassinger får svømmeopplæring, ifølge rapporten, som er laget av Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning for Utdanningsdirektoratet, skriver Dagsavisen. Videre kommer det fram at blant de 400 skolene som er med i rapporten, gir 25 prosent maksimalt ti timer svømming i hele fjerdeklasse.

Kompetansemålene om ble innført for svømmeopplæring på fjerdetrinn høsten 2015, inkluderer at barna skal kunne falle uti på dypt vann, svømme 100 meter, dykke ned og hente en gjenstand på bassengbunnen, og stoppe og holde seg flytende i tre minutter, for så å svømme 100 meter rygg.

- Dette handler ikke bare om å unngå drukning. Det dreier seg om både folkehelse og sosial inkludering, sier Jan Kjensli, som har ansvar for å kvalitetssikre og utvikle Norges svømmeskole.

I år er det bevilget 25 millioner kroner til svømmeopplæring i barnehagen.

- Det er nærmest bortkastet når elevene nesten ikke har noe svømmeundervisning fra 1. til 4. trinn, sier Kjensli. (©NTB)


Examines 25,000 Tesla models after fatal crash – VG

A Tesla driver was killed as he drove the car’s autopilot function. Now investigating authorities on cars of this model safe.

National Road Safety authorities in the US have initiated an investigation of preliminary 25,000 Tesla cars, the news agency Reuters.

There are cars of a Model S to be examined by a Tesla car of this kind was involved in a fatal crash while used autopilot function.

See also: Tesla owners are awarded compensation

Road Safety authorities shall now examine all the features that were in use when the car crashed, before deciding whether the cars are unsafe and must be revoked.

“A tragic loss”

Tesla, who himself joined the event, writes on its website that it is “a tragic loss.”

– This is the first known death of 210 million kilometers where the autopilot was activated. For all vehicles in the USA is a fatality for every 150 million km, and worldwide this occurs approximately every 100 million kilometers, claiming EV company, adding:

– It is important to emphasize that NHTSA only performs a preliminary investigation to determine whether the system worked as expected.

the fatal accident to have occurred when a trailer crossed in front of Tesla car, and neither the autopilot or the driver of Tesla car as the white side of the trailer against the strong light, and thus ended up on the underside of the large vehicle.

new technology

Tesla writes in the post that the autopilot function is still new technology under development, but that drivers who used this have shown fewer fatalities compared to all other cars.

They point out that the autopilot is a help feature that requires you to keep your hands on the wheel at all times, and likewise has control and responsibility for the vehicle.

They conclude by expressing deep sympathy with the driver who was killed and his relatives.

Read also : Complaint Storm from angry Tesla owners

(AP / NTB)


Government opens for salmon growth – Fjorda Bladet

– Lack of salmon may cause us to price ourselves out of the market. Therefore set we implemented measures to increase production com victory Fisheries Per Sandberg (FRP).

Bagus giving aquaculture increased flexibility so that they can utilize existing capacity better – at the ceiling for how much fish who may be at sea aukast in the best growth period, against the host sunk in the rest of the year. Thus oppdrettaren exploit dei naturopath temperaturvariasjonane sea better.

– It is voluntary for oppdrettarane to accept your offer, and it is therefore not possible to estimate how much growth this will provide. But unite it will provide growth in the trial, says Sandberg.

He says the measure will give industry increased flexibility and possibilities in to holding up production through the winter, avoiding leave.

the scheme will cost 1.5 million per license, in which 80 percent goes to municipalities and counties, and they rest through 20 percent goes to the state.

Ifølgje Industry and fisheries Ministry, it is no ein environmental situation that makes ein growth with sound.

– Fewer construction goes louse limits, and sea lice was lågt first half of this year, says Sandberg, who stresses that the individual oppdrettarar also need to consider what constitutes proper operation. (© NPK)


Check duty-free quota of app – Aftenposten

Finansminister Siv Jensen (Frp) og lederne fra Tollvesenet lanserte torsdag verdens første kvoteapp på Oslo lufthavn.

Appen forteller deg hva som er avgiftsfri kvote og hvor mye alkohol og tobakk du i tillegg kan ta meg deg og fortolle.

Her finner du appen

Lederne fra Tollvesenet lanserte torsdag verdens første kvoteapp på Oslo lufthavn.

– Nå blir det lett å gjøre det som er rett, sier tolldirektør Bjørn Røse.

Appen forteller deg hva som er avgiftsfri kvote og hvor mye alkohol og tobakk du i tillegg kan ta meg deg og fortolle.

Den lar deg enkelt regne ut ulike kvotekombinasjoner. Du legger inn hva du vil kjøpe, og så regner den ut for deg om du er innenfor kvoten eller ikke.

Gå på grønt

Du kan også bruke appen til å betale dersom du går over kvoten. Har du gjort det, kan du gå på grønn sone gjennom tollen og vise kvittering dersom du blir kontrollert.

Du har to timer på å komme deg over grensen etter at fortollingen er gjennomført. Hvis du fortoller fram i tid, og reisen din blir forsinket, må du ta kontakt med tollerne på rød sone. Du kan gjennomføre en fortolling maksimalt 24 timer før du passerer grensen.

Husk å lade telefonen

Appen kan benyttes når du passerer ubetjente grenseoverganger enten du ankommer landet med fly, båt, tog eller bil. Men du må huske på at det er ditt ansvar å sørge for at du har strøm på telefonen slik at det er mulig å vise fram kvittering, påminner Tollvesenet.

Hvis du ved en feil har fortollet for mye, kan du bare ta kontakt med tollerne på rød sone for å få ordnet opp.

Foreløpig kan du bare fortolle alkohol og tobakksvarer, men på sikt vil appen bli utvidet til å omfatte flere varer som skal fortolles som reisegods.

– Dette er første skritt på vei til forenkling av avgiftsbetaling gjennom selvbetjening, sier tolldirektøren.

Du kan også bruke appen til å betale dersom du går over kvoten. Har du gjort det, kan du gå på grønn sone gjennom tollen og vise kvittering dersom du blir kontrollert.

På sikt vil det bli mulig å fortolle flere varer som reisegods ved hjelp av appen, opplyser Tolldirektoratet. Appen kan lastes ned via AppStore eller Google Play. (©NTB)


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Businessman convicted of hiding millions abroad – NRK

This week dropped judgment Gulating Court of Appeal against the businessman in his 60′s.

Norwegian authorities took over the serious tax fraud case in October 2013, after the Hordaland Police started investigation against the man.

the Bergen businessman convicted of having hidden a fortune of over $ 200 million in foreign company registered in Scotland, Cyprus and the Isle of man.

In addition, an income of NOK 29 million withheld from the Norwegian authorities.

The recent ruling of the Court of Appeal states that Bergenser unndro tax for around ten million.

– Prosecutors are pleased that the court of Appeal agrees that there has been a gross tax fraud, said police attorney ASNE Hana Torgersen NRK.

Important to pounce on this

the court thinks it is important to clamp down on this sort of evasion. Of “general deterrence considerations dictate a strict sanction against tax evasion of such magnitude and character that it should apply punishment,” says the ruling.

By the judgment it emerges that the defendant has deliberately evaded taxes on income of nearly 30 million, and a net worth of 204 million.

the judgment pointed out that the man knew it would be difficult for tax authorities to find this information unless he informed about it yourself.

Therefore imprisonment initially set to three years and six months in Bergen County Court.

– It’s a complex issue with many transactions and it has taken time to ascertain all the facts of the case. It has spread to many countries, says Torgersen.

The case was reviewed in 2008

The case has taken a long time, and it is by judgment extenuating circumstances.

the case was first reviewed in 2008, and Norwegian authorities took over the case in 2013.

in addition, the case remained untreated by the public prosecutor in Oslo because of lack of resources. This takes the High Court into consideration and the punishment reduced.

“It revolves around a comprehensive financial crime that has been difficult and time consuming to investigate, and where the tax authorities and the police have had to uncover the criminal offenses,” says the ruling.

the High court nevertheless believes police have used for a long time.

the defender of man, lawyer Arild Dyngeland, agree that the long duration should be mitigating in sentencing.

the businessman was successful for several points in the court of appeal than in court.

– Now we’re going to do a thorough review of the judgment and consider whether there are grounds for appeal says Dyngeland.

The man is last in Gulating Court of Appeal sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, of which eight months suspended.

The businessman does not acknowledge guilt.


Kjos get climate criticism – Dagsavisen


It appears from calculations performed by Friends of the Earth, based on Norwegian’s stated desire for a huge expansion in the future.


– 20 percent growth every year


“The company will grow by 20 percent every year for the next five years, and virtually all the growth will come in the long routes,” It emerges from an article in Aftenposten earlier this year.


– The total climate impact of such growth will be at 7.1 million tonnes of CO2 annually for five years, said Head Holger Schlaupitz in Naturvernforbundet.


– For comparison, they released nearly 2.6 million passenger cars in Norway out 5.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents in 2014, he adds.


– Is it not in the cards that an airline wants to grow?


– It is important to have a critical look at anyone who wants to run a business with such large emissions of greenhouse gases, corresponding Schlaupitz.


– It is also important that authorities provide effective instruments that can slow and preferably lead to a decline in air travel. The Norwegian aircraft seat fee is a step in the right direction and a model for other countries. Sweden is considering introducing a similar charge now, he said.


– Why are you critical of the only Norwegian and not the entire industry?


– Because we have seen that other airlines have so huge expansion plans.


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– Ever needed


Monday wrote Dagsavisen the City of Oslo in a submission have said no to a third runway at Gardermoen . It deserves praise for politicians, believes Schlaupitz.


– It is absolutely necessary to avoid a third runway at the airport in order to prevent the expansion of air travel that is being prepared. If Avinor will first spend tens of billions of such a development, it is also a great danger that the capacity is being utilized.


So far there is little evidence that most Norwegians are concerned about climate impact of flying. Avinor can constantly report about new records. May 13th, for the first time over 200,000 passengers traveled through Avinor’s airports in one day. Meanwhile, there are reports about 10 percent more passengers to Denmark and 9 percent more passengers to Sweden. The trend we should try to break for the holidays, think Schlaupitz.


– Select destination which is not far away and you can get to without flying, his primary recommendation.


Press Officer Daniel Kirchhoff says in an email to Dagsavisen that Norwegian’s fleet has an average age of only 3.6 years.


– It makes it one of the world’s youngest and most environmentally friendly. Beyond that, we are also interested in filling the tank with biofuel. It requires, however, that politicians help development on the way, in that they make it available at a competitive price.


Kirchhoff believes that more air traffic also organized by the Norwegian, is a natural development, “because more people can afford to travel.”


Read also: – Important for Norway


Norway’s municipalities skeptical about merging. Twice as many “no” as “yes” –

Friday runs the municipalities deadline out to advise whether they want a merger or not. So far there are twice as many “no” as “yes”.

The latest figures show that 127 municipalities have positive decision on merging of local authorities, while 264 have decided to continue alone. Despite a large number of no-result, Municipal and modernization Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) strong in faith. Municipalities form is on the right path, he said. But he acknowledges that it is a demanding exercise for local politicians.

– I went into this having been in politics for many years, and I know that this is one of the hardest to do, says Sanner said.

He has had “an infinite number of meetings” with mayors, and followed many a council decision on web TV. He does not hide that he would like to see even result in Jæren and Romerike.

– There are large regional differences. It shows that this is more mature in some places than others, he said.

– Taking time

Sanner had given municipalities deadline to 1. July to decide on the voluntary merger. Then county governors spend three months to draw maps with their recommendations which will form the basis for decisions in government and ultimately Parliament.

The debate has acted much about coercion and voluntariness . A widely used example is that it may be necessary by force if one municipality blocking the merger of several.

Sanner said to not yet have any idea of ​​how many municipalities that fall into that category because this first come on the agenda next spring. He would rather not comment on what other cases it may be necessary to deviate from volunteering line.

The government's own  experts: Fearing truth reform are unsuccessful

He emphasizes we have seen a greater reduction in the number of municipalities in three years than we have seen during the last 50.

– it is in the recognition that must accept that such a reform process, it actually takes time. Last time it took 20 years, he says, referring to the reform of the postwar period to cut the number of almost 200.

The first phase?

How far forward the reform process extends, is hard to say. But municipal minister believes there is no end when Parliament has said its by next summer. He believes the work of mergers will continue with more of them saying no today.

There are indications that municipalities form only in the first phase, says researcher Yngve Flo by UNI Research Rokkansenteret . He envisages a development similar to that in Finland, where it ran for several processes to be ended at number 301.

– In many municipalities have statements, all led to a recognition that it needs to make itself bigger and stronger, but it sits deep in getting residents, says the researcher said.

Flo think a continuous work can lead to it being increased recognition of the need for merging.

– But it can also have the opposite effect. Man gets bored, it can be a kind of rebellion. It is very demanding and tiring to operate with municipalities shape all the time, he said.


New  black super Monday Sanner

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Her husband is charged with violence – NRK

Kinesiske Xi Li har vært savnet fra Sandefjord siden forrige mandag.

Foto: Politiet

Politiet har søkt etter den 37 år gamle kvinnen som har vært savnet fra Østerøya i Sandefjord siden forrige mandag. Så langt har søket ikke ført frem.

– Ektemannen ble siktet for en stund siden fordi vi ønsket å ransake og foreta en grundig undersøkelse av stedet der hun sist ble observert, sier påtaleleder Ole Bjørn Sakrisvold i Politiet i Vestfold.

Skjellig grunn til mistanke

Den savnede kvinnen, hennes norske ektemann og deres to mindreårige barn er bosatt i Kina til vanlig, men har i flere år feriert på en hytte i Sandefjord. Alle eiendelene til den savnede 37-åringen ligger igjen på hytta.

– For å kunne sikte noen, kreves det i utgangspunktet skjellig grunn til mistanke. Det var noen funn på stedet som dannet mistankegrunnlaget. Det førte til at mannen ble pågrepet og siktet, sier Sakrisvold som ikke vil si hva som ga mistanken som førte til siktelsen.

Hunder, helikopter og båter har vært brukt i søket, i tillegg har den lokale politistasjonen fått hjelp fra Kripos i leteaksjonen.

Fortsetter søket

Politiet jobber fortsatt med saken som en forsvinningssak.

– Vi har ikke funnet henne ennå og derfor må vi være litt forsiktige med hva vi går ut med, sier Sakrisvold.

Onsdag ble det søkt etter kvinnen i sjøen. Både miniubåt og undervannskamera ble satt inn i letingen.

– Vi fortsetter jobben og gjør alt vi kan for å finne denne kvinne, sier Ole Bjørn Sakrisvold.

37-åringen hadde trolig på seg blå bukser, genser med lyse og mørke lilla striper og halvhøye Viking gummistøvler da hun forsvant. Hun er ca. 164 cm høy, har halvlangt sort hår og snakker kinesisk og engelsk.

Christofer Arnø er bistandsadvokaten til de to barna. Han ønsker ikke å kommentere siktelsen.


The husband of missing woman (37) charged with violence. Police are searching for her … –

The husband of the missing woman Xi Li (37) in Sandefjord is now charged with violence, reports Sande Blad.

– we thought it was reasonable grounds for suspicion against her husband, and he was arrested, while we got assistance from NCIS to perform technical and tactical investigations. The suspicion against him was weakened by these investigations, and therefore he was released, says Ole Bjorn Sakrisvold, prosecuting leader in South-Eastern Police District, to Dagblaldet.

the man is still charged, but Sakrisvold says there are reasonable grounds for suspicion against him now.

WANTED: the police are now searching for Xi Li in water. Photo: Police Show more

Police are searching for the woman of the lake, newspaper VG reports.

she has been missing from Sunde forest in Sandefjord since Monday night June 20, writes Sandefjords

NRK wrote earlier that the woman is Chinese citizen, and that she has been vacationing at a cabin in Sandefjord six or seven summers with family.

– she is a Chinese citizen, and do not speak Norwegian, but Chinese and fine English, said police chief Brian Jacobsen to NRK.

he said that it is unlikely that she has left the country, because all her belongings – including passport – is left in the cottage.

37-year-old was clamoring with the name and image of the police in Oslo on 20 June. She was clamoring with the family’s consent.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Labor Jonas directly into the throat of Erna after brexit – NRK

“Britain’s goodbye to the EU is an expression of the political crisis of confidence with deep economic and social roots.”

To begin Støre (Ap ) an article on NRK Freedom. He believes British right policies are responsible and warns that Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) and the government is about to pull Norway in the same direction.

Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of Britain throughout the 1980s.


He believes there has been deliberate policy in the UK to fight unions, privatize, cut in welfare benefits and give big tax cuts to those who have most from before since Margaret Thatcher was prime minister in the 1980s . The same tendencies he sees now in the policies of the present government.

Read the article here!

Minister fears British conditions

He shows including the government, in his opinion:

  • shows greater acceptance for rising unemployment.
  • Having completed unsocial tax cuts that benefit the ones that already have the most.
  • Keeps a passive policy in relation to social dumping.
  • Have weakened working Environment Act.
  • Conducting a policy based on centralization and that puts town and country more against each other.
  • Adds more emphasis on confrontation in immigration than integration policy that works.

– I cry, a cry against growing inequalities and major social differences between people. The British are a deeply divided people. I think brexit and the anger will be seen due to the policy in the UK over the past 30 years, says Støre told NRK.

– Is Erna Solberg one Margaret Thatcher light?

– No, but her finance minister (Siv Jensen (FRP), editor) has Thatcher as a role model, says Støre told NRK.

are you afraid that discontent we see Britain could spread to Norway if Erna Solberg and the government continues with the current policy?

– Yes. I think it’s a very good reason why we should have a different policy.

Erna: – Minister is desperate

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) is unimpressed by the criticism of Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap)

Photo: Poppe, Cornelius / NTB scanpix

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) is unimpressed by the criticism of the Labor leader.

– for three years, Minister attempted to stamp me as un-Norwegian. Now he tries to threaten Margaret Thatcher. I think this is getting very strange, says Solberg told NRK.

She believes the pairing of right policies and brexit becomes too easy. She also rejects the government pursues a policy that eventually leads to the discontent Minister warns.

– The most important thing we do is to create jobs, to make adjustments and that Norway is doing well. There we work with around the clock. It is the political answer, says Solberg before she leads by following broadside against Minister:

– I think Minister should be a little more concerned with finding political answers and a little less of just criticizing. Støre shows here the lack of its own policies. Then he’s more concerned with stamping and looking at things about others. I think this is starting to become desperate by Minister.


May lose grant the license: – Showing that it pays to be club … –

(Dagbladet): Today it was announced that the club Blue in Oslo may have to shut serving alcohol if Næringsetaten not choose to renew grant the license.

Næringsetaten told Dagbladet that the decision is not taken yet .

They have not yet sent an alert to Blue on the basis of a comprehensive police report.

After the Dagbladet experiencing trades report including that nightspots profile attracts undesirable elements.

Blue is known club nights including hip hop and electronic music.

Meanwhile, it must appear from the report that the police believe that the club occupying too many resources.

the Oslo police said they every four years is obliged to respond to a hearing when it comes to liquor license, but declined to comment further .

– On the basis of considering Næringsetaten now what to do next. The case based mainly on order problems.

Aftenposten wrote earlier today that Blue must shut serving alcohol from Friday, unless there is a new message from Næringsetaten before that.

– Right now the situation is uncertain, it stirs a lot of things. We have worked really hard the whole day to create dialogue with Næringsetaten and proper institutions and now things are more in limbo, says Chairman of Blue, Kristine Pettersen, Dagbladet this afternoon.

She says that they hope for a reprieve and awaits definitive answer from Næringsetaten about what’s going to happen.

– coming to pulverize Norwegian music

– for my part, this is more than just a shock how I wonder what the hell they are doing. There are also emotional for me, says Martin Eia-Revheim Dagbladet.

He was involved in starting up Blue in 1998.

– Blue Over the past 20 years had a swell solid position. The club is still relevant and is in my opinion better and better. Blue, along with a college of other important clubs, helped to establish music city Oslo, and in recent years can be seen as a new golden age, he said.

Eia-Revheim is not only concerned about the Blue, but also for clubs like Villa and Jaeger.

– Is it the places you should take now? They are equally important. If so, it’s going to pulverize Norwegian music. Now I understand that the police do not have a music policy program to go after, but I think that those who have a music political responsibility might also should be involved in taking an assessment here.

He also think it is a funny way to attack the real problem.

– the Blue and the Fish & amp; Vilt’s case has in no way cultivated a culture that offers up to trouble. Blue has collaborated police when there has been trouble, and they have even been distressed situations.

– What is sad is that it’s not about bad or irresponsible operation, but the problems that places itself does not invite and who they themselves have tried to do something. Have also the police have a responsibility and one can understand that they are tired of it. But this is a punishment that affects all wrong party, in the absence of being able to deal with the real problem.

– Paying off not being club that plays dance music

Also Runar Eggesvik, partner the company Trouble Shoots, including working with Kulturhuset, Vulkan Arena and Sugar snippet, believes it will be sad if Blue is not renewed grant the license.

– I do not know the case in detail, but you can see the some tendencies here. First and foremost, you can say that it pays to be the club that plays modern dance music like hip hop and RnB. The last places that have been closed’ve the profile.

He is referring to the nightlife Seeds and Fish & amp; Vilt. The former got stricter license its last year. Fish & amp; Vilt failed to renew a liquor license in May this year.

– The way I see it has blue gone far to dry to play the genres, while working against violence and drug use. There are so strict and uncertain conducting bar in Oslo that all work hard to combat adverse situations. Man trying as best you can to keep it in check. At Blue should be punished for daring to play dance music is sad. It has been a cultural venue for the town for 20 years.

He also seems it’s funny if places like calling the police should be punished for it.

– Also one can ask oneself what working conditions this entails for those who work in these places. How do we dare to start up something or look for work in the entertainment industry?

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Minister Røe Isaksen not running for another term in Parliament –

(Dagbladet): Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen’m not going to stand for the next parliamentary elections.

The printer Conservative politician said in a statement.

– It has been a pleasure and an honor to represent Telemark in Parliament, but I have notified the Nomination Committee that I do not ask myself at the disposal of the next period. It’s not a decision I have taken in recent weeks, but something I’ve thought about for a long time, writes Røe Isaksen.

Røe Isaksen has previously been described as a possible successor to Erna Solberg, and therefore this was a decision that likely will affect Right significantly as a party.

Røe Isaksen writes that the decision comes against the background of where he is in life.

– I’m almost 40 years. In practice, I have been doing politics full time since I was elected leader of the Young Conservative Party in 2004. Since then I married the woman of my life, we’ve got a wonderful daughter who turned two years yesterday, and that I enjoy every moment along with.

-We would like to have more children too. Becoming father puts his life and everyday life in perspective, adds the Minister added.

The press release also states that Røe Isaksen has been open to the prime minister Erna Solberg about her decision.

Projectors he writes that his decision did not come on the basis of the Conservatives’ policies. Røe Isaksen believes that the government has implemented the policy they have promised.

Here he draws particularly like the Conservatives stood for election to make teacher training into a master’s program, as well as to provide more continuing education for teachers.

the press release emphasizes Røe Isaksen that he is not going to withdraw from the government.

– it is a privilege to engage in politics, and I look forward to continuing as Minister, not least in the exciting election year.

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The city council voted against a new runway at the airport – would rather have trains – Aftenposten

Dette framgår av en høringsuttalelse fra Oslo kommune om arbeidet med Nasjonal transportplan 2018– 2029. Et flertall bestående av Ap, SV MDG, KrF, Venstre og Rødt vedtok uttalelsen under bystyremøtet sist onsdag.

– Utvidelsen er ikke i tråd med de overordnede klimamålene. Derfor går Oslo mot en tredje rullebane på Gardermoen, heter det i en høringsuttalelse fra Oslo kommune i forbindelse med arbeidet med Nasjonal transportplan 2018-2029, skriver Dagsavisen.

Flertallet i Oslo bystyre vil heller ha en større satsing på lyntog mellom store norske byer og til utlandet.

– Vi må planlegge for en klimavennlig fremtid. Da må vi bygge ut jernbanen i stedet for å legge til rette for enda mer flytrafikk, sier byråd for miljø og samferdsel Lan Marie Nguyen Berg (MDG).

I februar anbefalte Avinor utbyggingen av en tredje rullebane da transportetatene presenterte sine planer for kommende nasjonale transportplan i februar. Tog ble avvist fordi det ikke er samfunnsøkonomisk lønnsomt.

– Prognosene tilsier at transporten vil fortsette å øke og at det blir behov for en ny rullebane rundt 2030, skrev Avinor i sin rapport.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Picks up human feces and syringes – NRK

Botanical Garden receives 840,000 visitors each year. Now they run the risk that the popular Oslo garden closes if the current situation changes.

– We wish fervently to be on the supply side, but our gardeners can not pick up human feces and syringes, says Tone Lindheim, director for the Natural History Museum to NRK.

Removes human feces

She has sent a letter to the mayor of Oslo, Marianne Borgen (SV), and called an emergency meeting Wednesday morning. In the letter she writes:

“More gardeners are now afraid to dig, weed, plant because of the risk of being stung by needles. Roma hiding pill glass fell to plant flower beds ours, then they come back with a shovel to dig up these pill jars, flower beds be stepped up, dug into pieces and plants our many delicate plants from faraway places are destroyed. “

In the email also writes the director that gardeners picks and remove human feces several times daily. Read email from Lindheim here:

Mail Recipient and mayor of Oslo, Marianne Borgen (SV), says to NRK that she Friday heard about the criminal situation and the pollution that takes place in the Botanical Garden.

Mayor Oslo, Marianne Borgen.

Photo: City of Oslo

– I followed up the issue during an hour after I got the email. Nobody wants that this situation will continue or that botanical garden will be closed. It is important that Bymiljøetaten attending the meeting tomorrow and we expect more answers then, says Borgen.

– The city council is passive

City Government of Oslo receive harsh criticism from the Conservatives, who believe this could have been avoided if Oslo had introduced beggar ban.

– the City Government has been too passive, and they have not followed the situation closely enough, says group leader for the Conservatives, Eirik Lae Solberg adding:

– at the city council has not been willing to enter into a beggar ban is creating this situation. We can not have a situation in Oslo this summer.

When Right for under a week ago asked about the situation, said the city council that there was no reason to take additional measures.

– Finance Commissioner replied that the situation was as expected and that it was therefore not necessary, but now we can see that a situation has occurred only days afterward, says Lae Solberg.

Eirik Lae Solberg (H) seems council has been too passive in dealing with homeless people and visitors alike.

Photo: Simon Skjelbostad Yset / NRK

Police in the area

Kåre Stølen’s station chief in Greenland police. He says that there is a problem today, not necessarily a problem in the morning.

– The problem has lasted long. But where should the Roma to go? We have had a presence in the Botanical Garden throughout last week. People in the area have marked our presence, night and day.

Beitostolen is also one of those who will attend the emergency meeting tomorrow, and he wants to know more.

– I want to know how many syringes, how many pill glass in question and how big the problem is. I have just received a verbal message on the matter, and will know more tomorrow, says station manager.

Finance Commissioner Robert Steen (Ap) has not been available for comment.


UKIP leader VG: – The Norwegian people have been deceived – VG

BRUSSELS (AP) Nigel Farage wanted Britain out of the EU. Now he gets his way, but does not want Norway solution. It is miserable, he said.

– Norway’s situation would have been unacceptable to Britain. The Norwegian people voted against membership of the EU. One would think that the first one that politicians kept their word. Parliament has deceived the people and wondered Norway into a bad deal with the EU. It’s something I want to protect the British people from. As we join us out of the EU we will have a good deal, says the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Nigel Farage, VG.

why brexit important to you: Eight consequences for Norway

Farage follows the summit of the European Council in Brussels, where his and Britain’s outgoing Prime Minister David Cameron explains Britain’s upcoming farewell to EU for their prime counterparts.

Poor solution

tuesday has a number of experts and politicians in Britain have advocated that the British should go the Norwegian EEA model when the few years leaving the European Union.

Out of the bunch: Is this David Cameron’s last picture in the EU?

Among other things writes commentator Wolfgang Münchau in Financial Times on Tuesday that “Norway solution is the best available for the UK.”

After brexit elections: Will remove English as the language of the EU

Prime Minister Erna Solberg said however VG Tuesday night that she did not believe the British would choose EEA agreement because it is too extensive and binding in the EU.

at that point she gets, thus providing full support from Farage.

– you can fish you own fish and you have plenty of money, so it’s not so cruel to you. But it would not have been good for Britain. I will not have a Norway-solution, but a British solution on our own terms, says Farage.

“What does she know?”

He denies that his solution Britain will involve island nation isolates itself away from Europe.

– I still want us to engage in trade with the EU, and that people should be working in the UK and vice versa. But there must be a fair and good deal where we do not emit sovereignty to the EU. Now we have secured sovereignty again.

Brexit-Boris: EU exit is not about immigration

– Norway’s prime minister has said that she did not think you had a plan for what would happen if you won. What’s your response to that?

– What does she know about it? I have a plan. Let us hope that the British authorities also have it. Toast! says Farage VG while he turns to a bar and orders a beer.


May be only until they reach 18 years – Clear Voice


Many children come alone to Norway to seek asylum. In recent months, the Immigration Directorate (UDI) made a change. Now you get a lot of kids just stay in Norway for a specific period. That means they must leave Norway when they turn 18. Then they must fend for themselves, Dagsavisen.

The scheme called for time limited licenses. Such temporary residence can be granted to persons who are between 16 and 18 years old. UDI mean these people are not entitled to protection. The permit can not be renewed after it expired.

Such permits are increasingly used for asylum children of Afghanistan.

– I no longer expect that children from Afghanistan are granted residence in Norway. UDI believes several areas in Afghanistan are safe. They spend more time limited licenses than before, says Therese Einarsson Dagsavisen. She works as a guardian and helps asylum children.

She has been the guardian of a 15 year old Afghan boy. He waited for an application for asylum his 13 months. He was 16 years old when he finally got an answer. He’ll just stay in Norway until he is 18 years old.

– He’s devastated. He just crying. He says he might as well die now. For if he is sent back, he still manages to die. He knows none. He has no one to stay with in Afghanistan, says Einarsson.


AIBN: A fatigue caused helicopter crash –

Det er konklusjonen i en ny rapport fra Havarikommisjonen. Helikopterulykken ved Turøy 29. april kostet 13 mennesker mistet livet.

«På dette stadiet av undersøkelsen finner Havarikommisjonen det mest sannsynlig at ulykken var forårsaket av et utmattingsbrudd i ett av de åtte andretrinns planetgirene. Utmattingsbruddet synes å ha utviklet seg uten at dette ble fanget opp av de eksisterende eller supplerende systemer som skal varsle om feil som er under utvikling. Det er ikke fastslått hvordan sprekken oppsto» heter det i en pressemelding tirsdag kveld.

Girboksen var i trafikkulykke

En annen ny opplysning som kommer frem i rapporten, er at girboksen om bord i det forulykkede helikopteret var involvert i en trafikkulykke på vei i 2015, skriver Bergens Tidende.

«Girboksen var inspisert, reparert og frigitt for flyging av fabrikanten før den ble installert i LN-OJF i januar 2016. Om det er en sammenheng mellom denne hendelsen og innledningen og veksten av et tretthetsbrudd, er under etterforskning” skriver Havarikommisjonen i sin rapport.

Havarikommisjonen viser også til flere likhetstrekk mellom ulykken ved Turøy og ulykken utenfor Skottland i 2009, skriver avisen.

Også i 2009 løsnet rotoren fra et Super Puma-helikopter i Nordsjøen. 16 mennesker mistet livet i styrten utenfor Skottland. Granskingsrapporten peker på samme svikt som i helikopteret som styrtet ved Turøy: Tretthetsbrudd i øvre sett av planetgir i girboksen.

Girboksen inneholder flere såkalte planetgir. Det vil si at flere tannhjul roterer inne i et større solhjul.

Planetgirets funksjon er å redusere turtallet fra motoren til rotoren.

Motoren går med 23.000 omdreininger i minuttet, mens rotoren har 265 omdreininger i minuttet. Det betyr at hovedgirboksen blir utsatt for enorme krefter.

Krasjet i Australia

Avdelingsdirektør Kåre Halvorsen i Havarikommisjonen forteller at girboksen var utsatt i en veilulykke i Australia, der girboksen skulle monteres på et annet helikopter enn det som styrtet ved Turøy.

- Bilen girboksen ble transportert i, var utsatt for et uhell. Girboksen ble da påført skade. Senere ble girboksen sendt tilbake til fabrikanten, Airbus Helicopters, som gjennomgikk og godkjente den for bruk, hvorpå den ble installert i ulykkeshelikopteret, forteller Halvorsen.

 -Kan det være en sammenheng mellom denne trafikkulykken og tretthetsbruddet?

- Vi har verken sett at det er en sammenheng, eller at det ikke er en sammenheng. Vi har med dette poenget i rapporten, fordi det er mange som vet om dette, og det er viktig å få frem at vi er kjent med ulykken i Australia og vil undersøke det videre, sier Halvorsen.

Han sier at det er mange ting som kan initiere et tretthetsbrudd, deriblant en slik fysisk smell.

- Men samtidig peker vi jo på at det er mange likhetstrekk mellom ulykken ved Turøy og den som skjedde utenfor Skottland i 2009. Da kan man jo trekke den konklusjonen man vil av det, sier Halvorsen.

Utelukker dårlig vedlikehold

- Det betyr kanskje at det kan være en større, strukturell feil?

- Det kan vi ikke si noe sikkert om nå. Det vi har gjort nå, er å utelukke de andre mulige forklaringene vi har hatt, og sagt at vi tror ulykken ved Turøy skyldes et tretthetsbrudd i det som heter andretrinns planetgir. Det er der utmattingsbruddet har oppstått. Vi ser mange likhetstrekk med 2009-ulykken, men også forskjeller, sier Halvorsen.

En av de store forskjellene, er at girboksen i 2009 produserte metallspon som var synlig. Det har man ikke funnet denne gangen.

- Det betyr at vi mener dette var en feil som var umulig å detektere med vanlige vedlikeholdsrutiner, sier Halvorsen.

- Betyr det at dere frikjenner operatøren CHC, og peker mot produsenten, Airbus?

- Vi sier at dette har ingenting med vedlikeholdet å gjøre. Så langt i våre undersøkelser kan vi ikke se at det har vært mulig å oppdage denne feilen, sier avdelingsdirektøren.

Enorme krefter

Havarikommisjonen sier nå at de utelukker både feil med støttestagene og feil i det såkalte “conical house”. Airbus har tidligere stått hardt på at det ikke kunne være feil med girkassen, og har pekt på mulig feil med stagene.

Det ville i så fall ha betydd et større ansvar på operatøren, som skal vedlikeholde stagfestene.

1. juni sendte Havarikommisjonen ut en ny foreløpig rapport om ulykken ved Turøy. Etter å ha gjennomført metallurgiske undersøkelser av deler i girkassen, mente Havarikommisjonen å ha funnet klare tegn på tretthetsbrudd i et planetgir.


Dette er de omkomne i helikopterulykken

I 2009 løsnet rotoren fra et Super Puma-helikopter i Nordsjøen. 16 døde.

Airbus frikjenner Super Puma-modellen

Helikopterulykken: Alt normalt før hovedrotoren falt av 

- CHC kunne ikke oppdaget feilen som trolig førte til helikopterstyrten 


AIBN: this caused the helicopter accident – Bergens Tidende

AIBN believes that the helicopter accident on Turøy most likely was caused by a fatigue fracture in a planetary gear. The gearbox has been involved in a traffic accident before the crash.

It is the conclusion of a new report from the Accident Investigation Board.

“At this stage of the investigation finds AIBN is most likely that the accident was caused by a fatigue fracture in one of the eight second stage planetgearene. The fatigue seems to have evolved without this being captured by the existing or additional systems to warn of errors that are under development. It has not been determined how the fracture occurred “reads a press release Tuesday night.

Read more about the cause

The gearbox was in traffic accident

Another new and startling data that appears in the report is that the gearbox aboard the casualty helicopter was involved in a traffic accident on the way in 2015. the AIBN does not provide more information on this accident, beyond that it is aware that it has happened.

“the gearbox was inspected, repaired and released for flight by the manufacturer before it was installed in LN-OJF in January 2016. Whether there is a connection between this incident and the introduction and growth of a fatigue crack is under investigation” writes AIBN in its report .

the AIBN also refers to several similarities between the accident at Turøy and crash off Scotland in 2009.

also in 2009 loosened the rotor of a Super Puma helicopter in the North Sea. 16 people were killed in the crash outside Scotland. the investigation report points to the same failure as the helicopter that crashed at Turøy: Fatigue fracture of the upper set of planetary gearbox.

Enormous forces

BT has previously described possible explanations for plane crash in a briefed article.

the gearbox contains several so-called planetary. That freewheel rotates inside a larger sun gear. Planetary function is to reduce the speed of the motor to the rotor. Engine runs at 23,000 rpm, while the rotor is 265 rpm. This means that the main gearbox are subjected to enormous forces.

1. June sent AIBN out a new preliminary report on the accident at Turøy 29 April. 13 people were killed in the crash.

After completing metallurgical testwork parts gearbox, believes AIBN having found clear signs of fatigue fracture of a planetary gear.

BT comes back with more.


Tripling of time limited licenses – Dagsavisen


– I no longer expect that Afghan children are granted residence in Norway. UDI has declared several areas in the country for safe and takes greater use of time-limited authorizations. This stretches the limits of what we can do within the CRC, tells guardian Therese Einarsson.


The last five months have UDI tripled its use of temporary stays for children between 16 and 18 years compared to all of last year. It mainly affects Afghan children.


Einarsson has been the guardian of one of them:


Also read: kids ask us: “If we do not be in Norway anyway?”


Completely crushed


A 15-year-old boy escaped from Afghanistan, and using human smugglers, he came last spring to Oslo. After arrival he waited five months for an asylum interview. So it took eight more months before UDI made a decision.


Six weeks after the boy’s 16th birthday came the message: He gets a temporary stay until he is 18 years old. Then it is not possible to renew the permit. UDI believes the boy did not have another stay due in Norway than that he did not have proper care at home.


– He is completely crush. He just crying. He says he might as well die now, because if he is returned, he’s still going to die. He has no network, no one to stay with in Afghanistan, says Einarsson.


It is common that the processing time in UDI is long but not too long, says Einarsson. She adds that the boy came before the big arrivals began and before the use of temporary permits escalated.


– It’s easy to get conspiratorial when the decision comes so soon after his 16th birthday. I’ve never experienced anything like it. If your goal is to give as many as possible discounts, it fits very nicely that the procedure is long for Applicants, she said.


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time limited licenses can not be renewed, has since 2009 been given to minor asylum seeker between 16 and 18 who are not entitled to protection.


There has never been common to provide temporary residence to those under 17 years, even if the law allowed for it.


In recent months UDI sharpened the use of this type of licenses: In the period January to May, the UDI has granted 32 time limited licenses of 685 measures. 27 of these are from Afghanistan. 14 of these measures were adopted only in May.


For comparison, in the whole of last given 15 time limited licenses by 1165 measures against unaccompanied minors. Of those who received temporary permission, was 10 of Afghanistan.


– We see that young people who would get protection before, no longer receive it. That there is a triple, is worrisome, says Ine Johannessen, vice chairman of the Association of Guardians.


Read also: – Being sick of temporary


Pointer on three factors


They believe the increased use of the permit due to three factors:


UDI leans only on medical examination: Previously thought UDI that age assessments could not ascertain exact age, but was one of several torque for age determination. Now practice changed the medical age assessment is the most objective and reasoned assessment and is the most weighty in determining age.


Norway has declared a number of areas in Afghanistan for safe: This is in contradiction to the UNHCR report from April, which affirmed that violence is increasing in the country and that the number of civilian casualties in 2015 were the highest in more years.


UDI do not think young people are persecuted and forcibly recruited into the Taliban. UNHCR believes, however, forced recruitment is done by all parties to the conflict.


– Case managers leaning on information from country info, and we feel that they are in the asylum interview claims not going forced recruitment into the Taliban. It is difficult to hear when you’re sitting with a young person who has experienced it – and fled from it, says Johanssen.


She adds that she however has sympathy for UDI caseworkers:


– From immigration policy this government leads and the changes we are now seeing, I do not ignore the fact that they are detailed controlled, she says,


Read also: Worried kids


In the hidden


In connection with asylum compromise in the Parliament, the government proposed that the temporary stay should be granted to all children not entitled to protection. It made the majority does not support. Guardians think the government even without this tightening has made it very difficult for unaccompanied minors:


– The Government has through its guidelines for UDI already secretly introduced several measures that help to limit the number of unaccompanied minors who receive protection or residence on humanitarian grounds in Norway today. It is reprehensible, says Johannessen.


– We see a pattern where the sum is very difficult for Afghan minors to residence. Much happens in secret. Why is it not public information that we have changed the practice of time limited licenses? asks Einarsson.


Read also: How to increase the number of minors from Aghanistan


Tough for kids


It is stressful for kids to get the time limited stay:


– The struggling on the psyche to see friends be placed, while you sit alone, says Einarsson.


– 18th birthday feels like a death sentence for many. They are afraid to go back and become mentally ill. Who is served by it? asks Johannessen.


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Immigration has tightened standards for unaccompanied minors from Afghanistan.


– In 2009 introduced the coalition government cutbacks because Watching it came many unaccompanied minors without protection needs. There we saw was a challenge last year as well. That this title is increasingly used, shows that there are more without the need for protection, says State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, Marit Berger Røsland (H).


– How do you explain that there is a threefold increase?


– UDI has gone through its Afghanistan-practice and noted that we have had a higher threshold in any of these cases than other countries have. The threshold has been higher than what follows from the practice of the ECHR and the EU Qualification Directive. Fewer areas is now considered generally unsafe, but it made an individual assessment of each case, explaining Røsland.


– Has the Justice Department asked UDI increase the use of this type permits?


– We have not. The UDI make assessments, but we are satisfied that access to time-limited licenses used in cases where it is possible, says Røsland.


– What do you think about that UDI will carry out a more stringent line than what UNHCR recommends?


– VI requires and have confidence that the UDI makes its judgments based on updated country information. So far as we know, takes UDI Considering that UNHCR reports that there are forced recruitment of minors in certain areas where insurgents are in control. This is thus in UDI’s assessments of the individual case.


Røsland will not go into the specific case of the Afghan asylum seeker who received temporary permission shortly after 16 anniversary, but says it is a goal to not take longer than necessary proceedings.


– Those who fall under a provision making it, says Røsland.


Also read: Will stop asylum children


Earlier Vålnes-accused requires million replacement – iTromsø

Lawyer Randulf Schumann Hansen told NRK that he has been meeting in Oslo where compensation for the time his client in custody was discussed.

Hansen represents the 44-year-old woman with two men on 43 and 45 years were screened for front seat murdering Per Vålnes.

Million Amount

– We have started, but needs some time over the summer to finish and submit claims from us, says Hansen to NRK.

the lawyer would not comment on how large the total requirement will be, but after the NRK experience should revolve around millions.

ALSO READ: This is Vålnes case


the three were in October 2012 arrested and imprisoned. After 13 months in custody they were released, but prosecutors did not drop the charges.

The case was however henlangt of Public Prosecutions last summer.

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the three can now claim compensation for time in custody thereunder itapt earnings, and load a killing charge and prolonged exposure in the media results .

“the highest amount of compensation in custody applies insulation and NOK 1,500 a day,” writes NRK.
