Thursday, May 21, 2015

- Serious shortcomings in preparedness work after 22 July –

(Dagbladet): Ministry of Justice will vigorously criticized in a recent report by the Auditor General released today.

OAG draws particular forward three serious flaws they believe weakens efforts samfunnnssikkerhet and preparedness.

• Three out of nine ministries, including the Ministry of Justice, has rarely followed the recommendations of the previous audit conducted by the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) on behalf of the Ministry of Justice.

• Justice and Public Security Ministry’s management and supervision of county government preparedness efforts are inadequate.

• It conducted no systematic evaluation and follow-up exercises and events.

– Severe

In addition OAG there are several weaknesses in the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of the management and supervision of DSB. In the Directorate has the additionally limited knowledge about their use of resources, according to OAG.

– Several of these weaknesses have persisted over time. Overall, this is serious and weaken civil protection, writes the OAG report.

Ministry of Justice has the main responsibility for taking care of the totality of government policies for Civil Protection and Emergency, and will ensure that the results of the policy for Civil monitored in all parts of society.

– Lite reporting

The OAG also writes that the ministry until 2014 to a small extent reported on the government findings and the lack of support in the responsible ministries.

The study is mainly oriented towards the period after the terrorist attacks 22. July 2011 and ended in November last year.

– Limited picture

Justice and Public Security Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) believes that the OAG’s investigation provides a limited picture of the ministry’s coordination role in public safety and emergency preparedness, and that there is no basis for concluding that the exercise of co-ordination has serious weaknesses.

– Ministry of Justice and Ministry coordination role within samfunnssikkerhets- and emergency area encompasses substantially broader than the delimitation OAG has done, writes Anundsen in its reply.

– The Government has provided a significant strengthening of the overall investment in Civil and this is a priority area in our political platform, he writes.

– Important contributions

Anundsen points out that it is implemented number of measures after Health carried out an audit of the ministry’s Civil Protection and Emergency, which he believes has already helped to strengthen this work considerably.

He also believes that the OAG’s analysis makes important contributions to the work ahead.

He writes that he complies with the OAG’s recommendations will continue efforts to reinforce monitoring of completed audit of the ministry’s work in Civil Protection and Emergency.


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