Thursday, May 28, 2015

Driver of Western Union branch turned down by masked men – Telemarksavisa

Western Union branch in Skistredet in Skien was robbed shortly after 18.00 last night.


– The holder of money transfer branch is taken to hospital for treatment. He is awake, with injuries to the head. We have started investigation, lighted Telemark Police via twitter.

– There are indications that it is ran by a store employee. The perpetrator was masked and dark-skinned ethnic African. He is tall and strong. We seek in the area now, enlightened police.

Operations Gisle Småge at Telemark Police informed the TA late last night that the Western Union branch has video surveillance, and they have pictures of the robber on film.

Bet Director Jan Erik Hagen said TA shortly after the event that it is quite unclear whether it concerns a robbery or an assault.

– holder must have been attacked and it should not have been said something, says Larsen, adding that there are some witnesses in the case.

– Rev mask of robber

A man on the spot said to TA that a person in the Asia-shop sharing entrance with Western Union branch, witnessed the event.

– The masked man had the bat and struck holder in the head. He was beaten three times, and he also managed to tear off him (the robber) mask, said a man who should have talked to one of the witnesses.

The holder, which was bandaged the head of ambulance personnel, entered in the ambulance on its own steam and sat in the passenger seat when he was rushed to the hospital.

– We have applied with patrols until now, but not found the perpetrator, said operations manager Gisle Småge to TA late last night .

– Is it true that the holder was attacked with baseball bats, or if the offender got me some money?

– I can not say anything more detailed in terms of the further investigation. I can only say that we are now prioritizing victim’s testimony, then get the details about what happened wait, says Småge.

The robber was still not apprehended when TA went to press late last night.

Western Union operates direct transfer of money to other countries.


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