Saturday, May 30, 2015

Three seriously injured in head-on collision on E14 – Adresseavisen

Two cars involved in a violent collision at E14 at Meråker Brug Saturday night.

As a result of the collision will wreckage have flown into the front of a third car, but the car is only suffered minor injuries, police said.

– Three people have been injured. They are flown and driven from the accident site, said operations manager Stig Roger Olsen at Nord-Trøndelag Police District

St. Olav’s Hospital says in press releases early Sunday that one man is very seriously injured, and that the condition is critical. For the other two, a woman and a man, referred to damage more easily.

Air Ambulance and Sea King helicopter

One person was shortly after the accident flown away by air ambulance from the scene of an accident. At 21.30 o’clock is a Sea King helicopter at the scene to bring one or more of those involved.

The accident is described as serious by Lars Ole Øie the 110 exchange in Nord-Trøndelag.

– The accident happened on a curve, and it is measured apparent skidding tracks showing that the car that came from the east have collided with the car which was in the opposite lane, says Olsen.

In the car coming from the east sat a person, while in the car came in the opposite direction there were two people. On site speed limit is 50 km / h.

– It is unclear how serious injuries involved are applied, says operational manager.

Road closed

There are several ambulances at the scene and the fire department has also sent several cars. In addition, the police on the spot.

– We have no information that anyone is trapped, said Øie the 110 exchange in Nord-Trøndelag.

Road Traffic Management Centre in Central Norway stated that it is closed by accident.

– Technicians are on their way to carry out investigations and ensure the track we need. It must be done before the road is opened. Accident Group to NPRA is notified, but they have made an assessment and stating that they will carry out their studies in the morning, says Olsen.


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