Friday, May 15, 2015

Stolen penguin chicks were part of a worldwide breeding program: – Aftenposten

Five-.seks people have been inside for questioning at the police station in Ålesund, and four of these are now charged under the Animal Welfare Act for Abandon animals in helpless condition.

Nobody of them have confessed the theft, but some of them have acknowledged that they have been built in the area, said police lawyer Yngve Skovly in Sunnmøre police told Aftenposten.

The theft of penguin chicks have guard fierce attention, not only locally and nationally, but also internationally. It was discovered after employees at Atlanterhavsparken noted that the ceiling on some nesting boxes lay askew on. Studies showed that three penguin chicks and one egg was gone. When the aquarium went through film from security cameras, so that seven people had been built on the site. The pictures should have disclosed that they were Russians.

All of the people who are now charged with is 19 years old.

– We apologize to the aquarium that the Russians have done this. Unfortunately there are a few who have broken for many, said representatives of Russians to Sunnmørsposten Friday.

Fear that they are dead

At the same time that more people are charged with the theft, had Managing Director Tor Erik Standal by Atlanterhavsparken acknowledge that the probability of finding them alive are now small.

On Thursday evening and Friday morning was 15-20 people from the aquarium and animal protection group, as well as some Russian, looking, searching for the stolen penguin chicks around akvarieparken. Nothing was found. Without food and heat, the three-week-old chicks could not live long.

– They can not eat anything. They get food from their parents, which regurgitate what they’ve eaten – usually sprat or capelin. Have thieves threw them away in the brush or garbage cans, they will not survive. We still hope, but there is a limit, explains Standal.

Friday morning, he was several times on the penguin pool, which is one of the aquarium’s most popular attractions. Employees are excited about the parents have reacted to that chickens are gone – for example not to absorb food. Currently there is no sign of it.

Threatened pingvinart

Atlanterhavsparken was earlier this year named the best Nordic aquarium and located three kilometers west of Ålesund. Since 2007, the aquarium had a penguin pool, which currently counts 22 adult Humboldt penguins. This penguin species lives in South America.

– Penguin species is endangered. There are only 12,000 of them worldwide, and our penguins are part of a worldwide breeding program, says Managing Director Tor Erik Standal

It is only in the last two or three years that the aquarium penguins have started to multiply . Last year, two new penguins to the world, and the aquarium had hoped for three – maybe more this year. Now there is only one egg left, and it is uncertain whether it is fertilized.

– Penguins who are born here, is scheduled to be distributed other aquarium around the world, says Standal.

Increases safety in Bergen

– We will increase patrol this weekend because of what has happened in Aalesund, says director of the Bergen Aquarium, Geir Olav Melingen to Bergens Tidende.

– We had a round of guard company and should have several inspection rounds. In addition, we discuss several measures which I do not want to go into the concrete, he said.

Today, aquarium secured with security at night, as well as an alarm system. Penguins are also enclosed.

Melingen stressed that he believes the Russians in Bergen will behave, but that they want to be on the safe side.

Penguin chicks stolen from Atlanterhavsparken, is very vulnerable.

The aquarium director says that even adults penguins are sensitive if they are taken out of their usual environment.

– The penguin will be stressed if such a thing were to happen. It is taken out of the safe and favorable environment it lives in here. They are very sensitive and can die within hours, he said.

It is also not without risk for the person who tries to take the penguin.

– It can be downright dangerous to approach wearing them. If one tries to bring one with them, you risk being bitten and beaten with very great power, warns director.

Published: May 15. 2015 12:24


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