Saturday, May 2, 2015

Siv Jensen says no to 10,000 Syria refugees – Aftenposten

For the customary standing ovation went Progress Party leader Siv Jensen on the podium Saturday formiddag.Talen was moved to Saturday morning, since it was May 1 at congress first day.

Not only easy to sit in government

Jensen took the opportunity to boast of Government results and defended government participation doggedly, although it is sometimes difficult to work with KrF and Left and party traps may disagree in part of Government policy.

– To sit in government does not mean that one goes from being a party with many opinions to a game of one opinion. It is obviously not just a bed of roses sit in the government, there are ups and downs. Honestly: Is there anyone who thought this would just be easy?

She says government participation is about support for the policy, not to drive black cars.

– We’re with because we get political support.

Saying no to 10,000 refugees

Jensen started his speech by looking out of the country and the refugee movements in the Mediterranean, Syria, Iraq and other areas. It is impossible not to be affected, stressed FRP leader.

– is why we up, said Jensen and listed how Norway has so far helped to assist in the adjacent areas.

But she does not want Norway to follow up the promise from Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre, that Norway should accept 10,000 refugees from Syria in the next two years.

– Norway may not take on tasks we can not handle. Therefore look FRP refusal to accept 10,000 quota refugees, but yes to increase aid in neighboring areas, says Progress Party leader.

The Finance Minister says the cost to settle 1,000 refugees are estimated at 1 billion over five years.

– This means that instead of settling a refugee in Norway, we can help 14 refugees in camps, says Jensen.

Jensen warned in his speech:

* New measures to prevent Norwegian youths are foreign fighters.

– In connection with the revised national budget, we will put forward a package of measures against terrorism as going to benefit municipalities and prisons, she warns.

* Increased focus on defense in the future.

– Dear congress, I am pleased to tell us in the revised budget allocates funds for training of all national guard areas in Finnmark. In addition, we allocate money to an emergency exercise in Troms / Finnmark.

* A news about this year’s insurance settlement.

Today pensioners receive the same charge as wage earners, minus 0.75 percent.

– This year we have a challenge, because pensioners might end up getting negative purchasing power. Therefore Minister Robert Eriksson try to find solutions. I pray that Eriksson as soon as possible sit down with the other parties in Parliament and try to find a solution to this.

* That Norway must continue to look for oil in new areas, while increasing investment in renewable energy.

– Although the industry faces considerable challenges, it will be important for Norway for many years to come. Therefore it is important that Tord Lien, Progress of Petroleum and Energy, assigns new licenses to new areas in the Barents Sea, says Jensen.

* More money for municipalities

– Municipalities must have a strong economy. The government currently updating the actual figures for local government finances. I can at least hinting about, if you promise not to say anything, that there is more money in the revised.


As expected, talked FRP leader also about initiatives in elderly care . The key word that got the audience to cheer was “subsidy.”

– Several times have I told you that a pilot scheme with state funding of elderly care is in the works. Therefore, I am very proud to tell the following: Experiments with state funding of state elderly care will be financed with a subsidy. That means it needs to determine the funding, not the municipal economy.

She said municipalities now can apply to take part in the experiment to be undertaken, and urges FRP municipalities to do so.

– Soon is also a legal right to care for the elderly a fact. The elderly should have exactly the same confidence in the law that our children have the right to education, says Jensen.

Published: 02.mai. 2015 9:32


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