Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Police fear abuse case includes even more children – NRK

Police Superintendent Yngve Myrvoll, prosecuting leader Einar Sparboe Lysnes and head of the State Children’s Houses in Tromso, stale Luther, held a press conference at police headquarters in Tromsø on Wednesday morning.

– We do not want to go into detail about each abuse in the indictment in the interests of those affected and the accused says Myrvoll.

Myrvoll states that during this week will have been completed for a total of 14 judicial examinations and there are more waiting.

– The accused will be filed for custody for four weeks tomorrow, says Myrvoll.

The accused has admitted guilt for parts of the indictment, police said.

– May have been going on for several years

The police are working to determine how far back in time the abuse allegedly continued. The man who is charged has worked in kindergarten for 8 years. All the abuse allegedly occurred in this nursery.

– We will not go into how many years back this should have happened. But it may have been going on for several years. So far, eleven children who are offended, both girls and boys. We exclude absolutely not the case could include even more children, says Myrvoll.

The man has admitted several violations.

On the question of the man delivered the certificate of good conduct for working in nursery when he started there in 2008, police said that he had a clean record:

– The man has a clean record and he was not previously in our records, reports Myrvoll.

See the police report on the case:

Tromso police reports on overgrepssak

sexualized images

– When it comes to the severity of the abuse, so is the mildest part that he should have taken pictures of children in sexual positions, said Myrvoll.

A important topics later research was about the pictures man should have taken, has been divided further.

– We work closely with the investigation management. We have also participated in meetings with relatives and guardians on two occasions. There is much information activities linked to this issue, says Ståle Luther, head of the State Children’s Houses.

– This is the biggest case we’ve been involved in since we were established in 2009, so this puts us absolutely to the test says Luther.

Luther says there are many strong emotions related to this issue:

– There is much uncertainty and anxiety, both among those who have children there now and those who have had children there earlier. There is also a very tough situation for those who work in the nursery, says Luther.

The screen for assaulting 11 children

Earlier in May it became known that a male employee in a private kindergarten in Tromsø is charged with sexual abuse of several children.

The police suspected the relationship after receiving tips on 6 May, and chose to apprehend the man that day.

The man acknowledged culpability for the conditions in the original indictment.

Today told police that the man currently charged with assault against a total of 11 children.

In six of the cases, he is charged with violating the Penal Code sections 195, letter c. That that action is done to children under 10 years and it has been repeated assaults. The penalty is therefore up to 21 years in prison.

The man is also charged with five cases of violation of Penal Code § 201, letter c, for sexual abusive behavior towards children.

Follow merits development here:


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