Friday, May 1, 2015

Police action in the city center – May 1 train redirected – VG

Police stopped traffic in downtown Oslo and leave the route for this year’s May 1st train because of an unresolved situation on GlasMagasinet.

A man had come up on the roof of a building, but the clock 14 police in Oslo that they have control of the situation.

Police cordoned off a large area at Stortorvet. Fire trucks, ambulances and several police cars were also on site. Traffic will be reopened as soon as possible.

The uncertain situation led to the the tram and the other traffic in the area must be held again.

1. May parade went as usual Youngstorvet in Oslo, where, among others, former party secretary of Labor Raymond Johansen and Red’s Tracey Moxnes speeches. The train started at 13 o’clock.

May 1 train is running, and that it redirected past the place.

A larger crowd of around 200 passersby gathered around GlasMagasinet to catch the happening. Police urged people to leave the place.

The police was notified of the situation in time 24:06.


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