Wednesday, May 13, 2015

- Many false allegations on groceries –

The FSA revealed incorrect nutrition and health claims in half of grocery products were examined under a national audit project.

In over half of bread goods, as well as nine of the thirteen products categorized as snacks, nuts or candies, had breached one or several provisions that were considered.

Overall, it was revealed false allegations in 133 of 263 products studied.

– The results indicate to some extent a lack of expertise concerning the regulations for the use of nutrition and health claims. Businesses should review their procedures to ensure that they have a system that ensures the use of nutrition and health claims about their products comply with the regulations, says section chief Merethe Steen FSA

84 of the 130 producers or importers who was under search in the audit, was taken for incorrect labeling – either on the product itself or in marketing. This led to 140 notification of decisions, but none of the decisions have led to bans on sales of products that were part of the audit.

A nutritional claim can be sure the product is labeled “sugar free”, while a health claim may be “calcium helps to maintain normal bones.”

The survey was done in 2014.



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