Saturday, May 2, 2015

It goes likes no –

They have had a hard winter. In Dagbladet measurements have FRP seen 9th century, which is the lowest support since 1996. The party has itself to blame for it. It started with a tough budget round where the government came to an imbalance between cuts to disability and tax cuts for the rich, and continued with vehement bickering between FRP and cooperative parties for asylum children and foreign fighters.

In the midst of the storm has Progress deputy Per Sandberg stood. He sent shockwaves through Norwegian politics when he accused Democratic Party for being partly responsible for IS-massacres. Along with party leader Siv Jensen had him out and apologize. The case came on top of the lengthy asylum children conflict between FRP and between batches. Knut Arild Hareide and Trine Skei Grande rattled with the cooperation and Sandberg accused them of extortion. When the parties finally agreed a deal, he came with a ball-rumblings in Dagbladet that Left and Christian Democrats had almost become wise. When did FRP’s parliamentary group and Prime Minister Erna Solberg enough. Jensen had to come out and retract the Deputy Chairman’s message. The rest of asylum quarrel – for it is not over – taken backstage.

Sandberg rumblings has done lasting damage to relations with Liberal leader Trine Skei Grande and KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide. When Jensen just before the congress told Dagbladet that Sandberg is not a troublemaker and recalls that he was one of the architects of the government agreement, binds her his powerful deputy to the mast. And it’s true that he has not yelled at the entire three weeks. Sandberg has lost popularity internally, but remains important for Jensen because he represents a large part of the grassroots. Yesterday held both he and Labor deputy Trond Giske appeal Jessheim. Sandberg with sausages and Pink Floyd, Giske with marzipan cake and bandmaster. This time it was Sandberg’s patron directed “right” way, against the main enemy Labor. And Giske struck back hard.

the worst internal the trouble of the road, you FRP concentrate more on policies. In the past they have submitted more results. Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen, known as Progress ablest minister, has presented its veiselskap. Justice Minister Anders Anundsen, one of the party’s least popular ministers, could this week boast of having gotten up response time for the police. Children and Family Minister Solveig Horne has presented a bill on shared custody of children after divorce, something many FRP voters support. With calm, results and a Ap will receive ten thousand refugees from Syria, rising turnout. FRP and Right would rather help the refugees “where they are”.

On Dagbladet last measurement achieves Party 13 percent. It is the best result since last November. FRP able to retrieve some of their constituents, but are still a long way from the election results of 2013. Whether this was a general election, would FRP have lost a quarter of parliamentary group. The number of members has decreased and so is the number of lists for municipal elections.

FRP hooked high expectations in the previous election. Jensen likes clear message. Sometimes she ready. In Aftenposten this week, she expressed more climate skepticism than what the Progress party program does and had to moderating them afterwards. It was clear voice she received support and brought the party to power. But power tends to moderate support. The party and the voters have now learned what it means to be in government and to work with others. Krekar case is a symbol of the promises are broken. But considering the party’s size and it is not entirely natural partnership with Left and Christian Democrats, the party gets reasonably good count politically.

Had congress been a month ago, would not have been particularly mood good. Now avoid the crisis. FRP sources expect a quiet congress, but friction becomes never. Carl I. Hagen For Sandberg trouble. Not everyone is equally happy with life in government. It is notified battle for local hospitals and there may be protests against the blåblå tax policy. Prime Minister Erna Solberg follows probably on Syria debate. She has just proposed a broad parliamentary agreement on refugees. Will there FRP requirement for zero more, the settlement difficult to achieve.

Siv Jensen will in turn attempt to overwhelm the convention with what the party has achieved, interpret the government’s performance in his direction and using his finance minister gravity to show that they blåblå have solutions that take Norway into the future. Fresh money from the revised budget will lift the mood. Although the measurements are a bit below average, come party leader this weekend to toast in a glass she sees as half full, not half empty.

But all of congress know: There is no certainty that Erna Solberg next government alternative is blåblått.

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