Friday, May 1, 2015

Fight Smell of Labor – the Conservatives and the Progress Party emerges – Aftenposten

On Dagens Næringsliv party barometer for April drops Ap full 5.7 percentage points to 37.4 percent, while the Conservatives and the Progress Party proceed 2.6 and 2 , 3 percentage points to 26.1 and 11.3 percent. Measurement third winner is left as advancing 1.1 percentage points to 4.9 percent.

– I have been assured that the recovery took! says FRP deputy Per Sandberg who do not believe that the measurement reflects people’s skepticism about Labor’s refugee policy.

The measurement is made shortly after Labor congress stepped in Norway to receive a total of 10,000 Syrian refugees this year and next year.

– No, we saw the trend before their national convention. Remember that polls are like us trøndere – a little slow. Only now people are beginning to recognize the effects of our policies. It just takes some time, says Sandberg.

Also SV has good increase of 0.5 percentage points, but the party is still well below the threshold of 3.7 percent.

Q lose almost one in five voters in the poll with a fall of 1.3 percentage points to 5.0. Also KrF does badly, with a decline of 1 percentage point to a response rate of 5.6 percent.

If the poll had been parliamentary elections, would the Conservatives and the Progress Party gained 66 seats – 85 together with the supporting portions Left and KrF. The coalition would get 83 mandates.

This is the result of the measurement that Sentio Research performed: Ap 37.4 (-5.1), Right 26.1 (2.6), FRP 11, 3 (2.3), KrF 5.6 (-1.0), Sp 5.0 (-1.3), Left 4.9 (1.1) OR 3.7 (0.5 ), MDG 3.0 (0), Red 1.2 (0) Other 1.8 (1.1).

Published: 02.mai. 2015 0:53


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