Friday, March 18, 2016

Immigrants who fail in Norwegian may lose support – NRK

– It will make the individual becomes even more motivated to learn Norwegian. This is a carrot that will get more people to lay out all the stops and achieve good results, says Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) said.

She has circulated for comment a proposal gives municipalities the right to apply for temporary experiments that go beyond the current provisions of the introduction Act.

today it is not permitted to make exceptions to the introduction Act or its regulations.


the consultative proposal also enables the municipalities may retain part of the introduction benefit. The example used is 20,000 of the 180,000 crowns (2G) payable in annual support of participants, and that it be paid both tax and National Insurance contributions.

In principle, municipalities are free to to request that an even larger portion of the benefit being held, NTB illuminated by the Ministry. The grip can also be used to stimulate a participant to achieve a “certain level of language quickly,” as they say.

– We want to give municipalities greater flexibility and freedom to add up the introduction program as they wish. The purpose is to get more people to learn Norwegian and obtain a job, but it is up to each municipality to decide whether it will carry out experiments, says Listhaug.

Immigration and integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) opens to cut in support for immigrants who do not learn Norwegian.

Photo: Pedersen, Terje / NTB scanpix


Participants in the introduction program is between 18 and 55 years. Basically, the program has a duration of two years, but the time frame may be both shortened and lengthened by individual assessments.

Listhaug stresses that it will have to make exceptions for those who can not be expected to pass a Norwegian try stipulated time. The draft stipulates that economic engagement will be “objectively justified and not disproportionate.”

In practice, municipalities stand quite free to apply for local exceptions to the Introduction Act. Besides cuts in financial support it opens to offer training at a higher level language than curriculum dictates or make exceptions to the provisions concerning reduced support for participants under 25 years. Another example is to grant exemption from instruction in Norwegian and social studies by entering other subjects or topics in class.

Would not wait

Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) like over Easter submit its final proposal for tighter asylum policies to Parliament.

the draft that came in after Christmas has been hard hit from several quarters, and Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) may have against the other parties in asylum settlement expressed the government’s “supply side”.

– We will put forward the proposal in early April, says Listhaug, plus working on a white paper on integration – partly based on Parliament’s agreement on integration policies from December.

That draft proposal for changes in the introductory law comes now – regardless of the next two packets, she explains as follows:

– We are working hard to put in place the best possible system integration. When this proposal is now clear, there is no reason to wait.


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