Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Real boss claims new discovery shatters LO-criticism – NRK

A recent survey shows that nearly nine out of ten companies that since summer has employed people temporarily, would not possessed of the positions if they had to make them permanent. Investigations have been made active among Norwegian business leaders after the government lowered the threshold for temporary employment.

86 percent of respondents answered that permanent employment was no real alternative for them. It was a temporary job or not work at all, according to CEO Vibeke Hammer Madsen in active.

– The investigation shows that LO and several other unions have long argued, is completely wrong. Now they must stop holding back. This is about giving people opportunities, says Madsen.

Warned against B teams

When the government would change the Working Environment Act so that it would be easier to hire people temporarily, came LO and several of the largest unions with strong criticism. They claimed that it would be able to create an A- and a B-team in the workplace. Several temporary positions will displace permanent positions when companies should retain 15 per cent of staff temporarily, it was said from the trade unions and the opposition.

“Black Painting” says Madsen now, and claims she has empirical backing in research that will presented at the organization’s economic seminar in Oslo on Tuesday:

* only 14 percent of companies would have given permanent employment if they had not had access to temporary employment.

* 38 percent of those employees some temporarily did so in connection with growth foray.

important in restructuring

Now maintains Madsen that the change in the working Environment Act is an important driver for the restructuring process Norwegian industry and economy is in. Especially small businesses who want to expand, dare not our initiatives if they have to hire people fast, she claims.

– permanent position is and always will be the general rule. But especially for smaller businesses, it is important to be able to employ in an expansion phase. In many cases, temporary positions become permanent, while those who do not get a permanent job gain important experience and expertise to bring forward, she said.

Madsen parties trust in the government and working committee will now take the next steps to amend the legislation so that according to her is more in line with today’s modern workplace. Initially she wants additional flexibility related to work, by defining employees in special positions which partially independent.


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